my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 425 Unexpected black belly

Chapter 425 Unexpected black belly ([-])
It may also be because the weather is cold, this is a birdcage that can keep warm...

Everyone present was a little confused.

As soon as the parrot was released, it flapped its wings and flew to An Jingchen's side, as if it was eager to stand on his shoulder, and liked his appearance very much.

"Is this your bird? It's so cute," An Jingchen stretched out his hand to tease the parrot, his tone was gentle, and he looked at Wenxin affectionately.

Then... "Go away!"

The parrot made a violent and crisp human voice, uttered this sentence very clearly, and waved its right wing——

"Snapped"!He slapped An Jingchen firmly.

Everyone: "..."

"Mint!" Wenxin hurriedly called to stop her parrot, "How can you hit someone? Come back soon."

One side of An Jingchen's face was swollen from the beating. Everyone had never seen a parrot slap a person...and no one wondered how a bird could be so powerful.

With so many people watching, An Jingchen could only pretend to be a gentleman, "Ha, it's okay, it's okay, the little guy is not sensible..."

"Shut up!" The parrot flapped its wings violently again.

An Jingchen's face instantly had a bloodstain...

"Mint!" Wen Xin hurriedly wanted to grab it back.

The parrot named Mint was disobedient, and flew high, avoiding the hand of its owner to grab it, and then quickly landed, aimed at the gap, and slammed its wings again, "Shameless!"

"Son of a bitch!"


Mint doesn't swear dirty words, but every time he swears, a wing slaps An Jingchen's face fiercely, several times in a row, An Jingchen's face is swollen like a pig's head...

Everyone continued: "..."

In fact, the entertainment journalists also helped, but Mint was extremely dexterous, swiftly dodging left and right, and the colorful feathers shook their eyes almost, and they didn't even touch its feathers.

Wen Xin was obviously very kind-hearted. Seeing her pet hurting people like this, she was very anxious. She looked around and ran towards the safe passage, "Mr. An, please go downstairs from here."

Although it was an unfamiliar "Mr. An", seeing that Wen Xin obviously didn't hate him, and even helped him find a way to escape, An Jingchen was elated, and immediately ran over to Wen Wen.

Seeing Wen Xin's appearance, she intends to "escort" him downstairs. There are so many stairs going down, there is plenty of time to talk...

Unexpectedly, An Jingchen had time to spend alone with Wenxin. An Jingchen was about to show his wretched brother Zhu and smiled. Hearing the sound of the heavy soundproof metal door of the safe passage closing, he turned around immediately, wanting to seize the time to "connect with Wenxin" .

As a result, I turned around...

An Jingchen received some kind of violent attack on his stomach, but An Jingchen didn't see what was going on, and the scene in front of his eyes was spinning...

After a few heavy blows to his chest, shoulders and back, he collapsed on the cold marble floor of the stairwell and passed out.

Wen Xin kicked him down very neatly, and calmly waited for him to roll down the first flight of stairs, then went downstairs, took something like an electronic thermometer and stuck it to his neck artery, to confirm that he would not die, then gently and delicately One step and two steps, back to the floor of Yuanyuan's room.

Opening the door, he smiled and told the entertainment reporters, "I sent Mr. An downstairs."

So pretty...and so kind.

The only downside is that he is so easy to deceive, he even kindly sent An Jingchen downstairs... Fortunately, he was chased away by the Fourth Young Master, and was protected by the Fourth Young Master, otherwise such a gentle and simple personality would be really at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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