my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 43: If You Don't Die, You Won't Die

Chapter 43
Counting her development in the past few months after breaking up with Qi Xiuyuan, it is simply a typical example that if you don't die, you will not die.

But she regrets it now, it's too late to settle down now.

Recently, there are too many right and wrong about her, and the support of fans is the first to be ignored. Passers-by who are watching the excitement are all getting worse and worse evaluations of her, and she has troubles one after another. It seems that she just won the Best Actress award this year. I've exhausted all my luck, and it seems like I'll just have bad luck from now on.

In sharp contrast to her, she has been so lucky recently that no matter how much trouble there is, she can take the opportunity to become more popular.

Many manufacturers who originally wanted to ask Lan Xiaoxiao to speak for her, had already negotiated the details, and the contracts were almost signed, all gave up on her, and instead focused on Yuan Yuan's commercial potential.

You Qi Yuan wished that although she was well-known now, but she didn't have any good results in hand, asking her to be an endorsement would not cost too much money.

When she filmed Director Ye's new film and her net worth rose, if she wanted to hire her at that time, it would cost a lot of money.

The endorsement fee that was about to be received was gone, and Lan Xiaoxiao realized that she was in serious trouble. Taking advantage of her boyfriend, she invited the senior management of several manufacturers to dinner separately, but she still couldn't save the situation.

What made her gnash her teeth even more was that Qi Xiuyuan was picky and picky when she could not keep the advertising company that she couldn't keep. She was still picky and picky. Those with a bad reputation will not be accepted.

Qi Xiuyuan finally chose VK, a well-known electronic product manufacturer.

VK's advertisements are placed in many media and the frequency is high. Every time a new product is launched, TV, Internet, newspapers and magazines, and even bus stop signs in various places, their advertisements can be seen everywhere.

I hope that the public base is not stable now. Although it is popular on the Internet, the Internet does not represent everything. It is a good choice to use this advertisement to get familiar with more people.

After saying hello to Yuanyuan, Qi Xiuyuan took the advertisement for her.

Qi Xiuyuan himself did not expect that it was this advertisement that unintentionally forced Uncle Tong's foster husband to show up.


Because I have to do another look when shooting commercials, when I go out, I wish I didn't have any makeup on.

The appointed time was ten o'clock in the morning, and at nine fifty-six, she took the twenty bodyguards with her face to the sky and rushed into the shooting location.

There was a big traffic jam on Qi Xiuyuan Road, and now he was on the viaduct, and if he wanted to park his car on the side of the road, he couldn't come by subway.

He just called and might not arrive within an hour.

Because the original wish...was too two, Qi Xiuyuan was also cautious when choosing her assistant, and so far he hasn't chosen one he likes.

So I wish I don’t have any professionals around me now. Since I joined the industry, it’s the first time I meet people alone as a celebrity.

But with Yuanyuan's rough nerves, of course she wouldn't worry...

The person who came to meet the original wish was Dai Yong, one of the top executives of VK China, the director of public relations.

He didn't take care of this stall at all, and came to see someone shoot an advertisement today because he heard that Yuan Yuan was beautiful and wanted to be a bit flamboyant.

After seeing the original Yuanyuan real person, he was even more shocked.


Recommend "Waste Female Agent: Arms Crazy Concubine", the author is drunk and steals the fragrance, you can find it after searching in the bookstore

(End of this chapter)

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