my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 432 2 to the deep self-formed pit

Chapter 432 Two to the deep self-formed pit ([-])
It's not a questioning tone, it's just an ordinary question.

It's like the parents of kindergarten children come to help the children adjust their contradictions...

Lu Xinwei sneered, and said arrogantly, "Of course, I want to chase him!"

Yuan Yuan was stunned, but his brows suddenly relaxed, and he seemed to be in a good mood and said pleasantly, "Are you cured?"


Yuan Yuan still found it strange, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't you have a sick head before?"

Could it be that, like the show on TV, you can't remember the past when you get well?

"Sister-in-law, do you mean you have a hole in your head?" A bodyguard reminded me solemnly.

"No, it's Lan Xiaoxiao who has a bad head~" Because Lan Xiaoxiao didn't want to remember what Qi Xiuyuan did back then, but she has always been deeply impressed by Lan Xiaoxiao.

Yuan Yuan took a closer look at Lu Xinwei again, and said with certainty, "It's you, the one who stole the phone before."

The corridor is full of Xia Tian's people. Hearing this allusion about stealing a mobile phone, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

But where does this brain disease come from?

Not to mention the onlookers, even Guan Xingrui and the bodyguards were surprised. When did this impression of Lu Xinwei increase from the original wish?

Lu Xinwei was also so angry that her face was ferocious, "Who do you think has a sick head?!"

Yuan Yuan calmly took this sentence as an interrogative sentence...

"You," she said in a natural tone, "you obviously have a good job, but you still commit crimes of stealing mobile phones, aren't you sick?"

Seeing that Lu Xinwei's face was black and green, she was willing to wave her hands, "But now you know that you like Er Er, and your aesthetics is normal, so it should mean that the disease is cured, right?"

This place is facing the window, it's really cold after standing for a long time, I wished I didn't want to stay any longer, so I dragged my foster husband to enter the banquet hall, "It's good that you are well, don't steal your phone anymore, I'll go first, Bye~"

After finishing speaking, he really left... leaving a group of onlookers laughing like convulsions and Lu Xinwei with a black and green face, messed up in the wind...

Yuan Yuan didn't realize how powerful Er Er was just now... She took her foster husband to the banquet hall and told her, "Er Er, I'll help you. Everything you like to eat is in the dining area No. There is a rich tree next to the next table, and if you sit in the back, no one will bother you all the time."

A certain uncle enjoyed such proper care, "Mmm~~~"

There are too many tasks tonight, and there is no time to eat at the banquet, so I have already had a meal before coming, so I don't have to worry about it now.

So a child foster husband promised her, "I'll leave you a piece of chestnut cake."

"Yeah! Er Er is really good~"

"That's why you like me so much~~~" Someone waved again without any surprise.

"Yeah, I just like such a good Er Er~"

The two of them were very calm and natural, and they walked to the position where they were about to enter the arena. There was no one around, so they kissed shamelessly.

Then... Stepping into the banquet hall and entering the media shooting area, Yuan Yuan instantly turned into a calm expression, and walked straight to his partner tonight.

A certain Tong foster husband was also wearing a Batman mask, and the whole person was "I don't know the person around me" by chance, passing by the aura, and walked towards the second table in the dining area very calmly.

Bodyguards: "..." Being next to a group of actors, the pressure is so great...(┬_┬)
(End of this chapter)

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