my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 438 A certain uncle is so powerful

Chapter 438 A certain uncle is so powerful ([-])

"Boss, look at the side of the road, it seems that something has been splashed."

The voice of one of his subordinates came from the communicator on Guan Xingrui's ear.

Guan Xingrui glanced at it calmly.

This road is not wide enough to accommodate two cars passing by at the same time. On both sides of the road are old tube buildings with the word "demolition" painted on them.

It should be that the demolition has just started, and there are still piles of window frames that have just been knocked down on the road, which takes up a lot of driving space, and now a car has to be careful when driving past.

In an old house, the window frame is not the plastic steel that is commonly seen today, but wooden. The paint on the window frame has been mottled for too long, and it is now night, and it is far away to have a street lamp...

Ordinary people will not notice that there are faint traces of moisture on the window frames piled up on the side of the road, but of course this cannot be hidden from the eyes of the bodyguards carefully trained by a certain uncle.

The houses to be demolished had no water or electricity. No one would be so bored to fetch water and pour it on the waste wood on the side of the road.

What if... that's not water?

Like... gasoline.

This road is already narrow, and there are so many flammable logs piled up. If someone really set fire to their cars and they would be blocked and unable to drive out, everyone would be blown to pieces soon.

The corners of Guan Xingrui's lips were slightly raised, revealing a sneer that made people feel cold.

Recalling the process when they left the hotel just now, Yuji blocked them desperately in several directions, and the only way they could choose was this path.

In that kind of scene, if you drive a car and get in there, anyone can pretend to be an entertainer.

It seems that someone has planned it long ago, and has chosen this road long ago, deliberately leading them here.

Guan Xingrui's finger tapped lightly on the seat, then suddenly stretched out again, and patted Qi Xiuyuan, "Brother Qi, come and sit at the back."

"...Okay." In fact, this car is a limousine car, and the back seat is super spacious and two rows of people can sit facing each other. He purposely sat in the co-pilot to avoid being a light bulb...

Qi Xiuyuan was thinking in his mind, and at the same time wanted to ask Dai Yong to stop, so that he could get out of the car and go around to the back seat.

But... After greeting him, a certain Tong foster husband grabbed his arm with his left hand, and his right hand, which was still unable to move freely, supported him with his wrist, basically just fooling around... He dragged Qi Xiuyuan out of the co-pilot's seat, and stuffed it Came to the back seat.

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."=mouth=! ! !

What did he just go through!Moved to another location so quickly!Or the high-level treatment of "handle with care"!

... just not happy at all! (┬_┬)
Before Qi Xiuyuan had time to ask, he met a certain uncle... No way, he didn't see how Guan Xingrui did it at all, he felt his long legs sway vaguely, and Guan Xingrui took his place in the passenger seat firmly up.

The narrow space inside the car did not affect his movement at all, and his lightness and swiftness made people dumbfounded.

Qi Xiuyuan continued = mouth = face, and what shocked him was not only Guan Xingrui's agility like a leopard.

...What happened to the sudden change in the atmosphere!What's the matter with this vague feeling that there is a bgm sounding like a drumbeat!Are you going to change the underworld movie again?!
Although he didn't know what was going on, Qi Xiuyuan didn't waste time asking more questions as he knew there was an emergency, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Guan, Mr. Guan... If there is danger, wouldn't it be better for you to sit by Yuan Yuan's side?"

(End of this chapter)

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