my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 441 This is a date

Chapter 441 This is a Date ([-])
Looking at the procrastination and loopholes in the kidnapping behavior of these masked people, let alone top-notch, they are not qualified, at most they can be regarded as street gangsters.

It seemed that these people were hired by people who didn't understand gangs at all. In this way, the real target was the sister-in-law.

They began to wonder, who had a deep hatred with the sister-in-law, did not hesitate to break the law, and was not afraid of implicating the Dai family in a bad end, and wanted to kidnap the sister-in-law in such a big way...

What about after kidnapping?What does this person want to do?
Knowing that his boss wanted to use his tricks to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, the bodyguards didn't do anything, and each of them tied himself and his companions with a rope very honestly, or tied a tight knot, what did the masked men say, what they do.

The masked men confiscated their mobile phones and threatened them not to call the police, otherwise they would tear up their tickets at any time. The bodyguards also pretended to be scared and agreed repeatedly.

When the two vans blocking the road drove away, they jumped up, quickly and easily escaped from the rope, each ran out of the street, stopped the ordinary cars outside, and immediately followed them.

Not surprisingly, the car drove more and more sideways, and it was clearly going in the direction of going out of the city.

However, he was probably afraid that something would happen when he passed the toll booth. He was about to leave City A, but the driver suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove the car onto a small road with potholes.

This car looked like it was on the verge of being scrapped, and coupled with such a miserable road condition, people sitting in the car were jolted so hard that their bones almost fell apart.

Fortunately, the original wish has always been happy with the situation... In other words, she is not happy with the situation, she just cares about her foster husband, and when her foster husband is by her side, she feels that everything is fine.

Now she doesn't feel too uncomfortable, she just pretends to be sitting in the rocking chair and swaying, and happily plays... guessing riddles with her foster husband.

Because my hands are tied and I can't move, I can only play this.

Seeing those two who were completely unaffected and in such a strange state as if they were on vacation, Dai Yong and Qi Xiuyuan, who were also tied up, only had the feeling of "...".

After driving for 10 minutes on the rugged mountain road, the car finally stopped at the top of the mountain. A group of masked men shouted to Yuanyuan to come down.

In fact, there is no need to urge him at all, Yuan Yuan jumped out of the car very actively, looked at the crumbling cabin behind him, the door was not closed tightly, and looked at the surrounding weeds as high as half a person, and the endless darkness like a ghost film in the distance , took a deep breath, "Two Er, the air here is so fresh."

Especially enjoy the very happy tone.

Everyone except a child foster husband: "..."

The kidnappers felt ashamed when they met such a meat ticket who didn't feel afraid. The leader muttered and cursed a few words, and waved his hands, "Stop talking nonsense, everyone go into the house!"

It is said to be a wooden house, but the area is actually not much larger than a double bed. There is a stove in the middle of the room, and a pile of firewood in the corner, and there is nothing else.

He drove them into the wooden house, but the leading man did not enter the door. After his subordinates had withdrawn, he quickly put a silver box on the ground, pressed his hand twice on the side of the box, and began to hehehe Laughing, "Stay here honestly! To tell you the truth, this box is a bomb with a pressure-sensitive device. Even if you step out of this room with one foot, the bomb will detonate immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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