my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 447 The Years of a Certain Uncle

Chapter 447 The Years of a Certain Uncle ([-])
He really wanted to do it himself, and the preliminary preparations he made were just to find a legal reason for his behavior.
"...Then the ones you killed later?"

"Some people come to me for help because they can't handle it, and some people are too evil..." A certain uncle paused, "There is no death penalty in the United States."

"I know." He seemed to understand...

"I often happened to pass by the scene of the arrest, and I was taken hostage several times. I was too defensive, and I accidentally shot them dead."
You "coincidentally passed by" and "accidentally", you said it so calmly...
The corners of Qi Xiuyuan's mouth kept twitching, and he was relieved to find that it wasn't his IQ problem, this old man was obviously a trap everywhere...

But Grandpa's daily obviously different from what he imagined! not the same as in the movie.

Qi Xiuyuan was puzzled, "You...are not from the underworld?" Could it be that he made a mistake at the beginning?
"I am," Guan Xingrui admitted happily, "but I'm different from them."

"...Why is it different?"

"I'm handsome~"

"..." I really want to hit someone! (┬_┬)
In fact, a certain uncle is of course different from other gangsters. He has a very, very precious fiancée.

So even though a person is in the underworld, if he really wants to do something like cutting off a person's hands and feet, he will find a legal reason to do it.

He let himself stand at a high enough position, so that he has the ability to protect his original wish properly, but he didn't leave any excuses, so that he would not be arrested and sent to jail one day, leaving his fiancée alone possible.

Qi Xiuyuan wanted to understand this, he was stunned outside the wooden house for a long time, and couldn't help sighing.

These two people.

Emotions belong to emotion, and serious work cannot be delayed.

As soon as Qi Xiuyuan returned to the wooden house, he quickly contacted the entertainment reporters of several websites.

It was too late, he couldn't get in touch with his little assistant, he had to make all the calls by himself, after working for a long time, he was finally done, when he looked up, he found that Dai Yong and the bodyguards had also returned.

And now everyone's eyes are on the same line, looking at him... and the... masked girl beside him!
When did he stand beside the masked girl!

There are too many people, and the wooden house is very crowded, he can't even change places...

Qi Xiuyuan's expression became strange.

Standing on his left was Bodyguard A, who gave him an encouraging wink when he saw this.

The meaning of that little look is very obvious-brother Qi, don't worry, with so many people around, you won't be hurt.

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."

That morning... He was obviously punched... Especially when he had a brain twitch and wanted to know whether the other party was a man or a woman, his hand directly, uh... touched the other party's chest.

The opponent punched him again at that time.

It doesn't look like a casual girl, how could she force her to do that... There must be some misunderstanding!When he goes down the mountain, he will call the young master of the Wen family!
No, get in touch now!
With so many people around, it was inconvenient to make a phone call, so Qi Xiuyuan had no choice but to secretly send a text message and ask the young master of the Wen family where they had dinner together that night and then where they went...

As a result...the other party didn't reply.

It's getting late, maybe I'm asleep.

There was no other way, Qi Xiuyuan had no choice but to wait anxiously for the rescuers to appear in everyone's eyes full of connotations.

(End of this chapter)

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