my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 454 Sending You a Love Letter

Chapter 454 Sending You a Love Letter ([-])
No, no, they took the money!
Besides, I've seen pictures of this kid, didn't I already know that he has a child's face?!

No matter how good he looks, he is still an adult, so don't think too much, beat him up!

Brawny Man A stumbled forward, trying to pretend to bump into Han Tian's wheelchair...

"Be careful!" Han Tian hurriedly supported him, blinked his eyes again, and said with a child's earnest expression, "Drinking so much wine is not good."

Brawny Man A: "..."

Han Tian let go of the hand that was supporting him, picked up the small paper bag hanging on the armrest of the wheelchair, and first took out a large handful of lollipops under the expression of the two strong men with black lines...

After searching again, he found a box of milk and handed it to the strong man A, "You drink this, it can relieve the hangover."

As he spoke, he pointed to the little strawberry on the box, "Strawberry flavor, it's delicious."
...Brother, is this being cared about?! QAQ is such a simple and obedient little rabbit, I still want to hit him, I am such a bad person, ah...

After receiving the money, the strong man A who wanted to hit someone was brainwashed by the little white rabbit of the Hantian brand, and he couldn't help but start thinking in kindergarten...

Damn, this was bought!

The strong man B cursed in a low voice, continued to act, and also staggered towards Han Tian, ​​deliberately trying to bump into him.

Han Tian still had a piece of chocolate in his hand, and was about to pass it to the strong man B, and continue to make friends with kindergarten children in the way of showing kindness...

The little white rabbit seemed to see something, suddenly blinked and changed his mind.

The hand holding the chocolate remained where it was, allowing the strong man B to bump into him.

The wheelchair overturned, and Han Tian was brought heavily to the ground.


The bodyguards in the dark were all taken aback, and almost rushed out to save people.

Why didn't Han Tian escape?

The boss said that Fu Ran would definitely do something tonight. They were afraid that Fu Ran would be too ruthless and find someone to create a fake car accident, so they followed Han Tian secretly.

In case of any serious danger, he can still save his life at a critical moment.

Seeing that they were two strong men pretending to be drunk and being fooled by Han Tian's appearance as a little rabbit, they felt relieved and went to watch the show.

But why the situation took a turn for the worse, and Han Tian was suddenly knocked down?!
The bodyguards knew Han Tian's true face, and they were all worried, not to mention the entertainment reporters who were secretly filming from a distance.

It's too much, such a big person, bullying a little white rabbit!

... No, it was bullying Han Tian.

The entertainment reporters were a little confused, but they all regretted that they were too busy taking pictures, and didn't have time to save Han Tian.

"... Damn! Dare to hit me!" The strong man B raised his fist, and it was about to land on Han Tian.

Not sure whether Han Tian has learned some self-defense skills, the bodyguards are going to save people.

In the communicator that has been worn on the ear, there is suddenly a stopping voice from the boss, "Don't move."

"..." The bodyguards immediately obeyed the order unconditionally and stayed where they were.

...but where is the boss?

They looked around for several times, and Yuji had already discovered it, but they didn't see any other suspicious figures at all...

In fact, all of this happened within two seconds, and the strong man B was about to hit the cold sky, but not far away, there was a mighty roar, "Stop!"

An aunt in her 60s and [-]s rushed over, with vigorous steps and quick movements, and slapped the cloth pocket in her hand on the face of the strong man B.

I don't know what is in the cloth pocket...

(End of this chapter)

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