my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 456 Sending You a Love Letter

Chapter 456 Sending You a Love Letter ([-])
The atmosphere on their side is so harmonious, but the Internet has already exploded.

Someone hired punks to beat Han Tian!
As soon as the entertainment journalists' news was released, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

Thanks to that enthusiastic and powerful aunt, otherwise Han Tian would have been injured!

Who is so bad, he can do anything to a gentle and harmless little white rabbit!

Definitely not Lu Xinwei.

If Lu Xinwei wanted to fight, she would do so blatantly.

That woman usually didn't give Han Tian a good face in front of outsiders. If she wanted to do it, she could close the door and beat her. There was no need to bother to hire someone.

Who would that be?

A certain uncle blocked Fu Ran's cell phone signal long ago, preventing his assistant from calling him.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Guan Xingrui hooked his lips gracefully, and slowly... crawled into Fu Ran's room along the outer wall of the hotel.

Fu Ran also just finished work, but he had already made an appointment with his friends to go to the bar in the evening.

The bar is decorated in a nostalgic style, and most of the music played is the original soundtrack of old European and American movies decades ago, which is very distinctive.

It's well-known there, and it's one of the must-go places for literary and artistic youths. Whenever Fu Ran comes to Tianhai to film, he often goes to this bar.

His fans have always been very proud of this, saying that Fu Ran is different from those celebrities whose nightlife is messy. Going out to play with friends is also going to such a literary and artistic place.

Fu Ran went back to the room, found out the clothes to change when going out to play later, threw them on the bed, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

A certain uncle had been waiting for this moment, and with one step of his long legs, he rolled in easily.

The hotel's plush carpet absorbs the sound of footsteps, Fu Ran is in the bathroom, unaware of all this.

But even if there is no carpet, a certain uncle will not show his flaws...

Walking to the bed, Guan Xingrui took out a thumb-sized delicate glass bottle and shook the black powder in it.

Tapping the bottle with his long fingers, a little bit of the powder spilled out and stained Fu Ran's pants.
The whole sequence of movements is smooth and elegant, as if in harmony with a wonderful rhythm, very pleasing to the eye.

Even though he broke into someone else's room, a certain uncle was absolutely calm and unhurried, as comfortable as in his own home.

After doing this, he easily climbed over the window and climbed the wall to leave. He didn't want to go back and take the elevator because of the trouble, so he simply climbed back to the room where he and Yuan Yuan lived.

No matter where my foster husband suddenly appears from, I wish to accept it calmly...

Today is certainly no exception.

The face of her adoptive husband Tong was suddenly reflected on the window, and she didn't feel scared, she immediately jumped up and excitedly went to open the window for him, "Two Er, someone sent you a love letter~"

"Send it?" Guan Xingrui turned over and came in, he was more concerned about the form of "send".

Someone came to your door to bother you?

He bowed his head and kissed Yuan Yuan, and when Yuan Yuan helped him roll up his sleeves, he went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and looked at his subordinates questioningly.

The bodyguards staying behind looked at the sky silently, "It was delivered, a delicate female voice asked if Mr. Guan was there, my sister-in-law went to open the door, and the man ran away..."

"Yeah, the shoes are all gone... Er Jing laughed and didn't chase her back."

Then they all laughed...but when it was over, the collective feeling was very melancholy.

That man thought that twenty of their bodyguards were not scary, but when he met his sister-in-law, he had to run for his life with all his might...

(End of this chapter)

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