my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 458 is too depressing

Chapter 458 Too Depressing ([-])

It turned out that there was a background.

A certain uncle was quite satisfied with this person's identity, so he calmly threw the letter paper on the coffee table, "Send it to Liusu."

Tassel is Lu Xinwei's name in the play... a certain uncle still doesn't bother to remember her name.

The name Tassel is because he has been reciting lines with Yuan Yuan, so he can remember the character in the movie.

Otherwise, I will definitely follow my original wish and call her "the one who stole the phone".

The corners of the bodyguards' mouths twitched, and they couldn't help giving their boss a thumbs up.

This move is ruthless enough, Lu Xinwei, the fighting Su in Mary Su, pretends not to know what is going on in her head, how many times she has been abused by the boss, she still thinks that the boss will belong to her sooner or later.

So other women who want to get close to the boss are treated as mistresses by her...

When Lu Xinwei saw this explicit letter, she must have desperately gone to find the woman who wrote it.

But that woman has a backer... At that time, the two of them should pinch each other and fight to the death.

Let the mistresses be eliminated internally...then the boss can save time and concentrate on spending time with his sister-in-law~
What?You said that the boss is not busy, so he spends a lot of time with his sister-in-law?

Just kidding, you can tell by looking at the tiredness of the boss and sister-in-law. These two wonderful things are clearly not too much to stick together 24 hours a day. Sweet and sweet, I feel that a lifetime is not long enough...

It's too shameful to show affection!

The single bodyguards finally understood Chu Ran's mood... Tears ran out to find Lu Xinwei to deliver the letter.

The two weirdos were still sitting on the sofa, continuing to get bored.

The love letter is not good-looking, but the original wish was not disappointed.

Anyway, Erer is so likable, I will definitely see other love letters in the future!

Yuan Yuan is particularly confident about this.
But... Originally wished to put her head on the shoulder of her foster husband, a little depressed.

"Two two, I regret coming out to film."

"Because after becoming an actor, many things are restricted." Yuan Yuan looked unhappy, "If I am not the original wish of acting, I can continue to participate in the confession contest."

Yuan Yuan has always been brooding about the confession contest.

The organizer said, "If you love him, you will participate in the confession contest for him", but she had to quit halfway, and she was not happy.

"It's the same for you to confess your love now." A certain Mensao entered a faint rippling state.

"No," Yuan Yuan categorically refused, "The Confession Contest is very formal and grand, I must find a similar opportunity to confess my love to Er Er."

But I was still unhappy when I missed the opportunity of the confession contest.

A certain sullenness continues to rippling...

Of course, rippling is rippling, he will definitely not see his precious fiancee depressed.

After taking a look at Yuanyuan, a certain Tong Yanghu said with certainty, "Even if you don't enter the entertainment industry, you will join me and become a public figure."

Yuan Yuan was puzzled, "Why?"

"Because I'm so handsome." Said very calmly...
Yuan Yuan thought for a while, then nodded with relief, "That's right."

Er Er is so good-looking, even if he is walking on the road, he will be photographed by others. He is famous as a folk beauty~
When the two of them got bored, the quarrel on the Internet had reached a fever pitch.

Because of conflicts of interest in the entertainment industry, it's fine to quarrel and beat people. Han Tian is not a real insider, so who is he in the way?

Various analysis posts emerged one after another, and many people were trying to find out the villain who hired people to beat Han Tian.

There are entertainment reporters squatting outside the police station, sending back news one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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