my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 460 is too depressing

Chapter 460 Is Too Depressing ([-])

Fu Ran achieved his goal, proud of his heart, and was planning to continue standing up according to the posture he had practiced a long time ago...

Somewhere on the lower body, I suddenly felt a strong itching.

That feeling came so suddenly, the "elegant" smile on Fu Ran's face froze.

But just as Qi Xiuyuan worried, his acting skills were so good that he quickly covered it up, and when the uncomfortable feeling passed, he didn't show his flaws again.

Seeing his cooperation, several people happily took a photo with him.

The light in the bar is poor, because of the commotion here, people are paying attention to this corner one after another.

Ah, it's Fu Ran!
Fu Ran is not as popular as Lei Yu, but he has always acted in literary films, and in the hearts of literary youths who like niche films, he is the supreme male god.

More and more people gathered around, asking for autographs and group photos, and as time passed, the frequency of that itch appeared more and more...

Fu Ran couldn't pretend anymore, she went to the bathroom on the pretext of drinking too much wine, and left with a stiff and elegant pace.

He just arrived, and he didn't drink anything at all!

Others don't know it, but his friends know it clearly.

Feeling that something was wrong, the friend closest to him immediately got up to support him.
He also smiled and explained to everyone, "I'm sorry, it's my birthday today, and I forced Fu Ran to drink several glasses of wine. I'll take a photo with you when he comes back."

This lie was clever, and it gave Fu Ran a reasonable excuse, and blamed Fu Ran for drinking too much, so that no one would say that Fu Ran was an alcoholic.


After finally getting to the place, when he was about to enter the door, a handsome young man in a white shirt with delicate features walked out of the bathroom.

The boy in white was stunned for a moment, his eyes gradually stained with surprise, "Fu Ran!"

Oh my god, the god of his girlfriend!Wow, Kaka, hurry up and get your girlfriend's autograph!

The boy in white was so happy that he almost rushed over to hug Fu Ran, his girlfriend was still in the bathroom, so he hurriedly flipped through the pens and papers to help grab the autograph first.

Fu Ran saw that the bathroom was in front of him, but he managed to kill Cheng Yaojin on the way...

It feels like rushing to the toilet, rushing home flushed and sweaty all the way, but seeing that I am home, I finally feel relieved and find that my pants can't be undone...

How many children pee their pants like this...

Fu Ran is in almost the same state now, his psychological defenses have completely collapsed, and finally he can't stand the itching anymore, his brain is about to explode, and his reason has long since disappeared...

Fu Ran reached out and grabbed it.

When it is upright, what you are grabbing is a certain part of the lower body...
This, this action... is too obscene, too obscene!

Fu Ran was facing the boy in white, and this action seemed to be directed at him.

The unlucky boy was so startled that his hands froze, and the pen and paper he had just dug out fell to the ground.

A passer-by who was taking pictures of Fu Ran was also so frightened that he almost threw his phone out.

Can't throw it!
This is evidence!Post it online now!
My mother, it's too obscene and disgusting, this is still a public place!Just dare to do this kind of action!
Didn't Fu Ran's friend just say that Fu Ran drank too much?
It seems that after a few glasses of wine, the original shape is revealed!
Fu Ran's friend's face was almost turning green, fearing that Fu Ran would do more obscene acts, he hurriedly helped him flush into the toilet.

"...Why are they in such a hurry?" Someone asked quietly.

"Isn't it going to have sex in the toilet..." another person guessed with a trembling voice.

(End of this chapter)

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