my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 470 Black belly, let's be friends

Chapter 470 Black belly, let's be friends ([-])
People who are keen to discuss gossip love to look up what senior fans have said, trying to dig out some inside information.

Now Yuanyuan's post bar is surrounded by many spectators.

As soon as you enter the post bar, the most conspicuous thing is of course the top warning post, especially this top post was posted today, and most of the content is related to Fu Ran's matter.

Click in, take a look at the screenshot...

Hey, yes!

Fu Ran would rather bear the stigma of the male mistress than pursue his original wish, but he didn't like Lu Xinwei at all!

Lu Xinwei always wanted to compare with her original wish, but this time she lost too badly!

This screenshot was quickly forwarded to other places, and the fast-handed Yuji discovered this new reporting angle, and immediately wrote a press release and sent it out.

A certain uncle is really black...

He was so black that he didn't show any flaws at all, everything was completely under his control, and he could easily control the direction of public opinion.

First use the small account to post, and then quickly use the large account to delete the post, and take screenshots to "warn" other people in the bar.
I will not let this post exist in the bar for too long, let outsiders read it and gossip, fans who said their original wishes are arrogant and arrogant, stepping on other stars, and let everyone who comes to watch this sentence see this sentence and convey this meaning go out……

A creature with a black belly is really... come and be friends with me!
Gossip, what you watch is excitement.

Especially the fans of Yuanyuan were too calm and did not come out to discuss, and the rest of the passers-by were purely for entertainment.

So when a black-bellied Tong Yangfu got involved, the online trend changed again.

Now many people are saying that Lu Xinwei's charm is really not good...

Compared with the original wish, it must be too far away...

The stars they see are all glamorous in front of the camera, but in reality, only those who have actually had contact with them can tell for sure!
It seems that Lu Xinwei, the eldest lady of the Lu very unpleasant.

Lu Xinwei didn't do anything today...and was ridiculed by a bunch of people...

Others didn't dare to say it. Her assistant hesitated for a long time before handing her the phone in fear, "Sister Xinwei, look online..."

Lu Xinwei's eyes swept across the screen, and the impatient expression was instantly replaced by anger.

He snatched the phone and flipped it down quickly, his face was as black as ink.

With a bang, the phone was thrown out!

Lu Xinwei was used to being domineering, dropped her phone, and walked over to Fu Ran without saying hello, just raised her hand and slapped her!

The crisp and loud voice made everyone gasp in shock.

On the left side of Fu Ran's face, a red slap was slapped on the spot.

Fu Ran stared at Lu Xinwei incredulously, "Slut!"

The anger that Dao Ye had used up before was all going to be directed at Lu Xinwei this time.

The hand was also raised violently, the movement was so strong that there was even a whistling wind.

"You fight!" Lu Xinwei raised her face arrogantly, her tone was disdainful, "I want to see if you dare to touch someone from the Lu family!"

The bodyguards watching the whole process: "..."

Regardless of whether Fu Ran's slap continues or not, these two people will definitely be in the same situation in the future, and they will plot against each other every day!
The reason was the post that their boss posted on a trumpet... Dozens of words, with the effort of moving fingers.

Boss you...

They are getting more and more understanding of the top quality like Lu Xinwei, why doesn't the boss clean it up once and for all!
Because there are too many moths in the entertainment industry, come and kill one, and slowly...maybe there will not be many people left...→_→
(End of this chapter)

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