my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 475 Not Everyone Can Do This 2

Chapter 475 Not Everyone Can Do This ([-])

...Actually, they want to see it too! ←_←
So a group of people voted unanimously, and they all agreed to let Hem Two run over to find them by himself.
So a few minutes later, the entertainment reporters who surrounded him downstairs didn't wait for Fu Ran, but saw a wind-like...pants-dropping dog.

The jeans are one size too big... Squeeze through the crowd and run too fast...

Pants are down...

Half of the pp is exposed...

Downstairs in the hotel, the empty Hum Hum No. [-] failed to attract too many onlookers.

Cut, what's there to see, our dog doesn't wear clothes every day! ←_←
But when they opened the door and happily greeted Hum Two...

"So Heheng's ass looks like this!" Bodyguard A took out his phone and took a picture as a souvenir.

Others: "..."→_→
Send them a picture when you're done!
I don't know if it was because the name was mentioned aloud, or because Wang Xingren's vigilance, hehe, who was watching TV, suddenly stood up from his bed!
And still walking towards the door with the momentum of patrolling his own territory!
"Quickly, pull up Hem No. [-]'s pants!"

"Don't let Hem see!"

"Hmph, uncle will go crazy!"

A group of humans suddenly became nervous...

Several hands stretched out, frantically helping the imitation dog to lift its pants, as if they were teasing the dog.

So Hum Hem No. [-] is very smart and entered the mode of acting cute and acting like a baby...

With a joyful "woof", it flicked its tail and threw itself on Yuanyuan who was closest to it.

As soon as Heng Heng walked over, he saw a husky that looked exactly like him, dressed in "nondescript" clothes, and was barking casually without temperament...

And it's still hugging its thighs and wagging its tail shamelessly!
"It's over, it's over, Mr. Hengheng is angry!" Bodyguard A issued an alarm.

"Little Er, run!"

Hehe, uncle is coming to destroy you!

Time is running out, and it's too late to say the full name "Humph No. [-]"...

Because Humph No. [-] is too imitative, everyone forgot for a while, it is not a real dog, and verbal commands are useless...

Bodyguard B has quick eyes and quick hands, and finds that the jeans worn by Hum No. [-] have a lump in the back pocket.

remote control!
Immediately he pulled it out, and the second bodyguard pressed the button that said "Run", commanding Hum No. [-] to escape.


Bodyguard B also pressed the arrow keys on the remote control to help Heng Heng No. [-] find the way.
Hum No. [-] ran away obediently.

Come back, you don't dress well!
Humph will definitely not let it go... Immediately, he rushed forward fiercely.

Ahhh... Xiao Er is about to be caught!

Before everyone had time to study the remote control, a certain Tong Yangfu reacted quickly and found the accelerator key on the remote control with sharp eyes.

As soon as he pressed it, Hum No. [-]'s speed increased suddenly, and he took a big step forward like flying.


I had pounced on it's Heheng, but I missed it... I only pounced on its pants...

So the pair of jeans, which were one size too big, were already dangerous... completely abandoned its owner...

The trousers were ripped off, and Hem Two tripped and fell.

Afterwards, he got up smartly, exposed the fart that was exactly the same as Hem Hem without any pressure, and ran away happily...

His paws are still pressing on the pair of jeans. He has always had stern eyes and a majestic manner. He is absolutely high-end, western and stylish Mr. Hum... petrified...

(End of this chapter)

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