my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 500: Unclear Mind

Chapter 500: Unclear Mind (2)

The bodyguards stood up abruptly, their muscles tensed, ready to go.

What happened!
Guan Xingrui's expression did not change, but his eyes also moved to Xiao Wu.

They all know that the brothers of the Yan family love to play tricks on each other, but in fact, all of them are calm and stable enough to stand alone.

The Yan family will not make a fuss, they say there is trouble, then the matter is really serious...

Xiao Wu felt that the situation was not optimistic, but he did not lose his composure, and quickly explained, "A man who looks like a rabbit, he noticed the medical records in my hand - I didn't write anything on the cover, but it was kept for six years. It's yellowed. Also, the casts on his arms and legs are fake."

"...Fake?! He wasn't injured?" Everyone was taken aback.

Xiao Wu shook his head, "His sitting posture is wrong, and his right leg doesn't dare to exert any strength. It should be indeed injured, and the injury is serious, but it's not an injury like a fracture that needs a plaster cast."

"Such as a gunshot wound?" Guan Xingrui asked coldly.

Xiao Wu nodded, "Such as a gunshot wound."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Han Tian has endured humiliation and disguised himself for so many years in the Lu family, and has always been the image of a little white rabbit. Fearing that the Lu family would suspect him, he kept the gunshot wound and kept it secret, which is quite understandable.

Besides, this is a country with gun control. If you admit that you have been shot, you will definitely attract the police uncle to investigate.

So the plaster is fake, and the car accident may also be fake, so I won't talk about it for now.

But... Fifth Young Master said, Han Tian noticed that medical record.

Xiao Wu frowned, "He seems to be very concerned about this medical record, and took the opportunity to ask me if I am a doctor, so he took a closer look."

The brothers of the Yan family are all human beings, cute and cute, Xiao Wu didn't miss a single thing that should be paid attention to.

He never asked what Guan Xingrui did, but he knew that Guan Xingrui had an old disease in his right hand, and he must be very careful to hide it.

Otherwise, when Guan Xingrui fainted back then, the elder brother would have just sent him to the nearest hospital, and there was no need to rush back to find him in the middle of the night.

So he didn't write anything on the cover of the medical record back then, and he carefully put it in his eldest brother's territory for preservation.

But today, he accidentally leaked a lot of key information...

Xiao Wu felt very guilty.

Guan Xingrui raised his hand slightly to stop Xiao Wu from apologizing, "Han Tian is a smart man, and he still has important things to do. At this juncture, he won't do anything against me again."

It’s fine if it’s a waste medical record that’s going to be thrown away. After so many years, the paper on the cover has turned yellow and brittle, and it’s still well kept for filing, but there’s not a single word written on the cover... There’s something wrong with this medical record at first glance.

With Han Tian's intelligence, he must have guessed that he had some serious old injuries.

"...Han Tian? Han Tian?" Xiao Wu was taken aback, "Why does he seem to have heard this name before?"

"Cold cold," the bodyguards didn't take it seriously, "he is very famous these days, and when he goes out to eat, he can hear the next table talking about him."

Xiao Wu didn't think too much about it anymore, it was probably because someone mentioned it by chance, and the name was a bit special, so he left an impression on it.

When Han Tian got on the plane from Switzerland, everything was fine.

The gunshot wound on his leg must have been attacked in China after getting off the plane.

In order to chase and kill him, someone chased him all the way to the country?
What about the killer now?

(End of this chapter)

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