my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 508 The original wish is too strong

Chapter 508 The original wish is too strong (2)

They almost forgot about Lan Xiaoxiao, they didn't expect that she was still thinking about how to bring down sister-in-law...

She also brought An Jingchen over... Did she watch too many movies and wanted to form an Avengers Alliance?

It seems that Lan Xiaoxiao's IQ will never improve. Until now, she still doesn't understand the truth of "If you don't die, you won't die".

The more the bodyguards thought about it, the more speechless they became, and the corners of their mouths kept twitching.

A certain uncle glanced at the phone calmly, "It seems that the relationship is good, let's be buried together in the future."

He said calmly and asked, "What's the name of the woman who wrote the love letter?"

"...Zhu Xin."

"Pig heart." A certain uncle nodded, and it was rare for him to take the initiative to praise someone of the opposite sex beyond his original wish, "The name is good."

Bodyguards: "..." (┬_┬)
The bodyguards wiped away their tears, handed over the phone carefully, and said in a low voice, "This is the nude photo posted by Zhu Xin just now, be careful not to let the sister-in-law see it... the sister-in-law thinks the photo is not good-looking ,very angry……"

The bodyguards quickly adapted to the name "pig heart".

Yuan Yuan glanced at them faintly, "I heard it."

After thinking about it, she still looked unhappy, "It's not good-looking in the first place, and its figure is much worse than Er Er's."

With such a reaction, a certain uncle finally got a little interested in this set of fake nude photos... He took the phone and looked at each photo one by one, but he didn't agree with Yuan Yuan's point of view at all.

"You're wrong." He glanced at Yuan Yuan calmly, "My figure is much better than his. If you don't believe me, I'll show you naked at night."

Yuan Yuan nodded in agreement, "Okay, anyway, I like to watch Er Er~"

"Because I'm pretty."

"Of course Er Er looks good~"

"..." The bodyguards got up resolutely, grabbed a few dishes indiscriminately, and fled out with the bowl...

This day can't be passed! (┬_┬)
Guan Xingrui also got up, took a long leg, and stopped in front of them in a few steps.

The bodyguards had tears in their eyes, and looked at him with the eyes of a little white rabbit than Han Tian.

Boss, give me a way out! QAQ! ! !
Fortunately, Guan Xingrui didn't come to calm down and continue the weird conversation...

He handed back the mobile phone with the nude photos on it to bodyguard A, "Let someone check to see if there are any traces of PS."

After explaining, Guan Xingrui wanted to go back to eat, but suddenly stopped, "Fifth Young Master hasn't left yet, let him send it to Liang Liang."

There were too many things this morning, and when he said this, the bodyguards remembered that Yan Shaobai, the fifth youngest of the Yan family, came to check his postoperative recovery today.

Immediately asked him nervously and expectantly, "Boss, surgery..."

A certain uncle raised his eyebrows, "We'll talk about it tonight."

...Boss seems very happy?!
Could it be a success?!
But he was afraid that the answer would be no, which would make Guan Xingrui sad. The bodyguards were very excited, but they didn't dare to ask random questions, so they had to send the photo back first.

Before the results of the inspection came out, another big event happened on the crew side——

Today is the annual awards ceremony. As everyone expected, the crew of Director Ye's new play won the most anticipated film award of the year.
In fact, this award does not have too much gold content. In other words, the entire Fengyun Festival is more entertainment-oriented, except... the annual Person of the Year Award that is the finale of each award presentation.

Different from other awards, the selection method of Fengyun People is very strict and rigorous, and the scoring is divided into four parts——

Entertainment reporters from major media, well-known domestic directors and music producers, netizens voting, and major brand manufacturers.

(End of this chapter)

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