my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 516 When Proposing Marriage

Chapter 516 When Proposing Marriage (2)

The other bodyguards were turned into @[email protected]His expression immediately came back to his senses.

... The boss is the boss, who can develop the unique effect of this nouveau riche necklace!

"We all don't sleep well, otherwise we can hang bodyguard B on the chandelier and use it as an alarm clock every morning!" Bodyguard A also had a burst of inspiration.

Guan Xingrui tapped the table lightly to stop his subordinates from continuing to convulse.

Everyone immediately retracted their thoughts and hurriedly explained, "Boss, it's not that we are not calm enough, we were stunned by your words, look so good when you smile!" The bodyguards all put on nympho faces.

A child foster husband was very calm, "Still practicing~~~"

After a pause, "I will smile better in the future."

After a pause, "It's done, I want to show Xinxin a smile when I propose."

...Boss, can you stop the rippling first...→_→
A group of singles express their deep disdain for him before turning the conversation back to business.

Yes, what they were most afraid of before was that the lunatic would launch a surprise attack. For example, when the sister-in-law went shopping, he would strap explosives all over her body and blow up the entire mall...

But if he released the pig's heart now, wouldn't that mean giving them preparation time for nothing?
Bodyguard A asked hesitantly, "But...maybe he is not sure if you are real? He is afraid that someone is impersonating you, or that 'Guan Xingrui' is simply Mr. E looking for someone to perform?
Although this conjecture is very fanciful, it has to be guarded against.

The face of the boss is indeed unique, but in order to protect the sister-in-law, the boss lied that the sister-in-law was dead, and made a whole set of false evidence, which deceived everyone.

At that time, the boss was still young, and those people never thought that a child could do things so carefully, so they didn't take this matter to heart, and didn't even care about what the sister-in-law looked like.

The sister-in-law has always used her English name abroad, and they didn't know her name was Yuan Yuan.

The boss's hand was actually injured so badly because of the sister-in-law, and after the "death" of the sister-in-law, the boss also expressed grief...

Maybe that person thinks that the boss is so nice to "another woman" now, it's not credible, so he suspects that someone else is holding the boss's face?

Guan Xingrui shook his head with a faint smile, "Impossible. That man is cautious by nature. He was cheated by me once again and almost died in my hands. He will never do anything careless again. Even if he tries, it is impossible for him to use this kind of will reveal its own way."

"So?" Thinking of a possibility, the voices of the bodyguards became lighter.

"I had an old injury on my hand back then, which gave him a chance to escape, but he had only one breath left... If he was still alive, he must have been rescued by a passing car."

"And this mask was stolen by the person who saved him, or was it taken away as a reward for saving people?" The bodyguards speculated excitedly.

"It should be like this." Guan Xingrui said with a smile, "A disguise mask of this quality can be sold for 200 million US dollars on the black market. Even if you can't imagine such a high price, you can tell with the naked eye that this thing is very valuable, yes This baby is tempted, understandable."

Bodyguards: "... Boss, stop laughing, our minds will be distracted when you smile, and we can't concentrate on listening to you." QAQ
Guan Xingrui: "..."

"There is something to be done in advance. I will go to the pig's heart tonight to find out where she bought her mask."

(End of this chapter)

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