my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 518 When Proposing Marriage

Chapter 518 When Proposing Marriage (4)

cold day?

How many people is he related to?

Thinking of Han Tian's white velvet clothes and the appearance of an obedient little white rabbit... Even though he knew he was a rabbit with a black heart... the bodyguards subconsciously hoped that Han Tian had nothing against them.

Such a cute rabbit, how rare!
Besides, if Han Tian can always maintain a friendly relationship with them, among other things, it would be great to be a mascot at the boss's wedding! ←_←
The original wish was to end work early every day. Han Tian and Lu Xinwei have the same working hours, and now he is still on the set.

The bodyguards all felt good about him, and wanted to save him some face, so they called him outside the set and asked him to come to their boss's room.

Then Han Tian pushed the wheelchair and left the set, entered the hotel... quickly hid in his room.

The bodyguards looked at each other.

Han Tian what is this for?Guilty?
But with Han Tian's intelligence and prudence, would he fail to guess?
They were not so relieved of him. Although they sent him a text message to give him a chance to choose, they followed him all the time to prevent him from escaping!
While the bodyguards were hesitating, Han Tian was still dressed in white fluffy clothes, holding a big paper bag with cartoon carrots in front of him, and came out of the room again.

This time, he went straight to the room where Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui were. turned out to be going back to get something.

The bodyguards suddenly realized.

Then... 2 minutes later, Han Tian appeared at the door of Guan Xingrui's room, glanced at the bodyguard who came to open the door, as if being bullied, his head immediately dropped again.

Han Tian seemed to be very nervous, pursed his lower lip slightly, and when he raised his head again, he handed out the paper bag, and said in the tone of a child, "I'll give you all the toys to play with, don't bully me, okay?" "This is for you. "

"..." Everyone opened the paper bag, looked at the chubby little pig saving money inside, and silently messed it up...

Is it because Han Tian is afraid that they will bully him, so he bribed them with a "huge sum" of a piggy bank...

Facing everyone's petrified eyes, Han Tian blinked uneasily, his long eyelashes flickering like a doll... a rabbit.

"I know you guys suspect me," he assured Guan Xingrui in an obedient voice, "but look, I sent this little pig here, I won't run away..."

The bodyguards were taken aback.

……Why?What important secrets are kept in this piggy bank?
For example, the chip containing the evidence of the Lu family's economic crimes?
Finding that everyone didn't seem to understand what he said, Han Tian was silent for a moment, and took out something from his pocket.

...something very special.

A second later... On Han Tian's head, there was a pair of long, white and fluffy rabbit ears...

And the two long ears are still hanging down listlessly, just like their owners.

Han Tian's clear and innocent rabbit eyes are now staring at them eagerly, "And even if I run away, you can still wait for me to come back."

The bodyguards even had the illusion that if they stopped saying they believed him, Han Tian would cry...

But none of us understand what you're talking about!
This is not a zoo, no one can understand the rabbit language!
But... the bodyguards were at a loss, but a certain Tong foster husband understood what was going on.

Guan Xingrui was very calm, "Because we have a pig in our hands, then we can watch the pig and wait for the rabbit?"

(End of this chapter)

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