my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 521 A Certain Uncle’s Logic

Chapter 521 A Certain Uncle’s Logic (3)

"Name." The command was cold.

"He's just..."

"Name." Guan Xingrui interrupted her, not interested in her explanation at all.

Zhu Xin had no choice but to tell the truth.

Without Guan Xingrui's order, one of the bodyguards went to investigate immediately, and ten seconds later, he nodded to Guan Xingrui.

There is indeed such a person, although he is a bit old, but he is indeed rich, and he really took care of an oriental woman back then.

This pig heart is really cunning.

Zhu Xin wanted to bypass this paragraph as soon as possible, and hurriedly continued, "When I saw that mask, I guessed that the real owner of that face must have an unusual identity."

This time the bodyguards remembered the lesson just now, Qiqi turned into a paralyzed face just like his boss.

A group of facial paralyzed people didn't see any expression changes at all, and looked at Zhu Xin silently...

Zhu Xin was waiting for them to ask "Why do you think so?" Now her face froze, but she still had the courage to explain, no one asked her, and she took the initiative to explain——

"When I heard the starting price, I realized that in modern society, disguise masks are expensive. With such a high cost, no one will just make one for fun."

"Moreover, most of the people who wear disguise masks are to cover up their identities, do things that they don't want others to know, and don't want others to notice... The faces shown in movies are very ordinary and unremarkable. People can't remember how many times they watch it."

"But the mask that appeared at the auction that day was so beautiful that people couldn't speak, yet it was masculine..."

When Zhu Xin said this, she looked at Guan Xingrui with deep meaning in her eyes.

But a certain uncle seemed to think her long talk was boring, so he lowered his head and started playing mobile games...

Zhu Xin's winking eyes froze, her face darkened, and she continued, "Such an outstanding face, no matter what occasion it appears on, will immediately attract everyone's attention, and it will be deeply engraved in people's minds." ...This is contrary to the purpose of most people's disguise."

A certain uncle continued to calmly ignore this compliment.

Zhu Xin became a little impatient, stopped rambling, and finally said the main point, "And people with unusual identities will not auction off masks that look exactly like themselves in order to make money."

"So I thought at the time that there must be a very unusual story behind this mask, so I specifically asked the auction staff about the origin of this mask."

It turns out that there is a clue here in the heart of the pig!

The bodyguards were moved, but they continued to learn from their own boss, and continued to have facial paralysis...

Otherwise, they would be too excited, let Zhu Xin use this to threaten the boss, and let the boss do something embarrassing for him, then it would be troublesome.

But the development of things far exceeded their expectations...

Zhu Xin suddenly smiled confidently, "Mr. Guan may have misunderstood. I said this not to threaten Mr. Guan to do something for me. I know that men hate being threatened the most, and they will never be with a woman who threatens them. "

The bodyguards were all taken aback.

Guan Xingrui still didn't react too much, neither excited nor breathed a sigh of relief, he lowered his head and continued to concentrate on playing the game, only the sound effect of the mobile phone ding ding dong dong was heard at the scene.

Zhu Xin didn't seem to be affected, and handed out a piece of paper that he had prepared a long time ago, "I have written all the answers that Mr. Guan wanted on it. I said that I would not threaten Guan with such an important matter." Mr. Guan, and I am very happy to help Mr. Guan."

(End of this chapter)

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