my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 538 Don’t Underestimate Mensao

Chapter 538 Don’t Underestimate Mensao (4)

Later in the day, the new headlines of the major media came out... unexpectedly they had the same opinion, and everyone in the industry felt that the heroine Lu Xinwei... could not be kept.

I always feel that something will happen suddenly, and then the situation will be completely reversed, and the original wish will become the biggest winner. countless times before.

But no matter what the media predicted, Lu Xinwei, the heroine of the blockbuster movie, seemed to be a certainty.

The producers of the Scary Tomb series have successively released photos of Lu Xinwei's fixed makeup and trial shots, so that old movie fans can get acquainted with this strange oriental face.

Because of Zhu Xin's accident, she became popular before, and then Yuan Yuan became even more popular than Zhu Xin... Many movie fans are very much looking forward to Yuan Yuan's heroine in a new episode.

Now that Lu Xinwei was chosen, it immediately attracted countless protests. Many movie fans thought that Lu Xinwei was not as beautiful as she wished, and she also lacked the calm and airy temperament of her original wish...

But Lu Xinwei didn't know what kind of backstage she got. Under such great pressure, the producer still went its own way and was determined not to change people.

In this situation, let alone others, even the bodyguards are getting anxious.

Although the sister-in-law really doesn't care about being famous internationally, she just keeps her popularity at a certain level according to Brother Qi's request, and she just needs to be sure that she can play any role she likes.

But... the role of sister-in-law was supposed to be taken away by Lu Xinwei, why do you feel so unhappy?

By the way... What the hell is the boss thinking?These days, he never mentioned this matter, as if he didn't care at all.

If it was in the past, regarding matters related to Lu Xinwei, you can still count on Han Tian.

But now... Han Tian can't take care of himself!

No, the black-bellied rabbit wasn't exposed, but...his daughter was exposed...

In other words, it was a daughter that he didn't know at all, who suddenly appeared and came to find him...

And that cute little loli came to the crew not to find her father, but to comfort her favorite "Xiao Hanhan"...

That's right, Han Tian's mother-in-law...well, it's too early to say that word now.

It should be said that Han Tian's daughter's mother...'s mother is the mighty aunt who once rescued the rabbit with a bag of tea eggs and knocked out the gangster...

And Han Tian's daughter is the aunt's granddaughter, the one who doesn't even want a beautiful sheep, but only wants a little Hanhan...

Han Tian's plan to bring down the Lu family is obviously at a critical moment.

Before, he was alone.

Now everyone knows that he still has a daughter. It is hard to guarantee that when the Lu family collapses, no Lu family will go to the end and arrest his daughter and threaten him...

In the past few days, Han Tian is no longer acting as a mascot in the film crew to show off his cuteness, and runs out every day, probably discussing something with the child's mother?
Anyway, the bodyguards guessed so gossipingly.

The boss still took good care of the rabbit, and specially dispatched manpower to help Han Tian protect that cute little loli.

...By the way, little loli!
The bodyguards suddenly thought of an important question, rushed to the next room, and asked Guan Xingrui, "Boss, Boss, you said that day, for the sake of social stability and unity, you should have a daughter like your sister-in-law? Why?"

Boss must be lying!
Actually...the bodyguards asked at a good time, Yuan Yuan is not here now.

So the bodyguards can hear the original answer from a certain old man who is neither sullen nor arrogant...

(End of this chapter)

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