my fiancé is a boss

542 Chapter 4 Really No Chapter Fuck

542 Chapter 4 Is Really Innocent ([-])

"Because you said you couldn't bear to scold me," Yuan Yuan asked incomprehensibly, "isn't it because you like Er Er, and you are afraid that Er Er will be unhappy if she finds out that I've been scolded, and you don't want to make Er Er don't scolded?"

Fu Ran was so tormented by this logic that he couldn't hold back his face, and forced a smile, "Then why don't you guess, I like you?"

"Because you said bad things about Er Er!" Yuan Yuan felt that this question was strange and redundant, "If you like me, how can you treat my favorite person badly?"

Fu Ran: "..."

In front of Yuan Yuan's second friend, Fu Ran's loss was too horrible... So in the next few days, Fu Ran tried not to appear in front of Yuan Yuan.

One is that he deliberately avoided his original wish, and the other is...

Lu Xinwei's tail is so high now that even Director Ye doesn't pay much attention to it. He arrogantly asked the crew to concentrate on filming her scenes so that she can leave the crew early.

Because she has to prepare for the launch of Tomb of the Tomb 4, and strive to show her best condition.

So in the past few days, the original wish to shoot almost all the rival scenes with Lu Xinwei, and there is really no chance to cooperate with Fu Ran.

In such a rush to work, five days later, Lu Xinwei, the second female lead, had finished filming all the scenes in Director Ye's crew, and she could leave the crew.

The bodyguards looked at the sky silently.

Lu Xinwei must not know, the boss has been waiting for this day for a long time...

Anyway, the character she played in the movie is also a scheming girl with a gentle appearance and a vicious heart, and she is always hated.

So after the filming is over, it doesn't matter what kind of scandal she causes... As long as she can complete the filming smoothly, it's fine that it doesn't affect the overall effect of the film.

In other words, the boss can finally torment her as much as he wants...

Also, the agreement between the boss and Han Tian is also bounded by the end of filming.

Han Tian is still waiting, and wants to send Lu Xinwei to the young leader of the Qinglong Gang...what the hell.

A black-bellied monster, a black-bellied rabbit... With these two people showing their power, Lu Xinwei will never have any chance of survival.

In order to celebrate this situation, that night, the bodyguards bought a lot of delicious food and prepared to celebrate.

Eat and drink enough... I was the first to withdraw with my Tong Yangfu.

Because they're going to have sex. ←_←

The bodyguards are full, and they are all gone... to sleep on the sheets...

But today is destined to be a day when I can't sleep well!
After bodyguard A lay down, he swiped Weibo with his mobile phone, and then... "Emma!"

Bodyguard A was completely shocked, what is this!

According to the latest news, Lu Xinwei was blocked at the door of the house by the official wife of a certain foreign entertainment tycoon, and the two started arguing for some unknown reason.

The people around Mrs. Zheng were so annoyed that they even took out a bottle of sulfuric acid!

... Well, normal people don't carry sulfuric acid with them, and that person obviously planned it long ago, saying that he was provoked by Lu Xinwei, but in fact, most of them were just making excuses.

But these are not the key points now, and no one pays more attention to them.

The point now is... a drop of sulfuric acid splashed onto Lu Xinwei's face, although the area was small, it really burned a small hole!
Lu disfigured! ! !

Even if she can recover after the operation, but with the recovery period, she will definitely not be able to keep up with the casting of Scary Tomb 4!

...What they said, they always felt that something big was going to happen, and then Lu Xinwei lost the heroine role...

(End of this chapter)

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