my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 545 Too boring and too weird

Chapter 545 Too boring and too weird (3)

Not to mention the bodyguards, even Yuan Yuan passed by, glanced at the newspaper at random, was stunned for a moment, then returned to read the report carefully.

She double-checked the face of the person who "stolen the phone" on the photo with the words on the title...

Although he didn't say anything, his brows were deeply frowned, and he seemed very incomprehensible and disgusted.

Qi Xiuyuan originally came to have breakfast with them, but seeing this scene, his eyebrows twitched.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy, and whispered to Guan Xingrui, "Yuanyuan seems to... hate drug dealers?"

What about other wrongdoings?Although it may not be as harmful to people as drugs, but what many gangsters do... It's really not a good thing!
If I wish to know what my Tong Yangfu does, will I be hit?
Qi Xiuyuan worried a lot, but a certain uncle himself was very calm. He glanced at him, "I'm different from them. I've never done anything that disturbs public order and endangers people's lives."

...Then you gangster, what are you doing...

Qi Xiuyuan pondered for a long time, and began to guess the most ideal answer, "Could it be a little messenger of justice who maintains the order of the underworld and tries to prevent acts that endanger the people from happening...?"

"You guessed wrong," a certain uncle categorically denied, and gave him an unpredictable look, "I am the handsome messenger of justice."

"..." (┬_┬)
Qi Xiuyuan ran away in tears...

The bodyguards were also thundered by their boss, silently watching Qi Xiu run away, in order to divert their minds, they continued to discuss about Lu Xinwei.

Besides, they were really curious too.

"The newspaper said that the police only found out that the wanted guy had some connection with Lu Xinwei after they got inside information... Who released this inside information?"

"Yeah, drug lords are all cunning and cunning, especially this one. If I remember correctly, he only has a man with an injured vocal cord who can't speak all year round."

This is an absolute confidant, it is impossible to betray him, so who else could it be?
 . "I."

Well, boss, what's the matter with you?
The bodyguards were used to obeying their boss's orders to a high degree, so they turned their eyes away when they heard Guan Xingrui's voice.

But...and then what?

Why didn't the boss speak?
The bodyguards waited for a long time in doubt... Wait!What the boss said just now... is it over already?!
Boss isn't giving orders at all, he's answering questions?!
The one who provided clues to the police was the boss?!
The bodyguards were in a mess, "Boss, how did you know..."

The boss has been with them all along!He didn't let them inquire about anything!How do you know so much more than them?

... Or is the boss just making it up?

A certain uncle looked at them very calmly, "The pinch mark on Lu Xinwei's waist that day, and the fingerprint on the index finger of her left hand were obviously lighter than the other fingers, indicating that the person's left index finger may have been injured and could not use strength. What Lu Ting said that day, the men around Lu Xinwei don't use credit cards, it seems that there is something wrong with their identity."

Guan Xingrui flipped through the newspaper on the table and clicked on the arrest warrant in the photo attached to the news, "All of them meet his requirements."

In fact, as a big drug lord, it is definitely not a problem for that man to get a fake identity.

But he is a wanted criminal, he may start fleeing at any time, it is safest to keep the money with him.

(End of this chapter)

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