my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 548 Important Events

Chapter 548 Important Events (2)

...Could it be that after he was kicked out by An's family, he went to sell meat in order to find someone to help him avenge his sister-in-law...

The shocking thunder made the bodyguards speechless.

So one day later, I heard from Lei Yu's manager that there would be a charity dinner, and there would be many rich wives there...the bodyguards were very active in encouraging them to attend.

I really want to take a close look at it... so what kind of person is An Jingchen!Just fulfill their wish!
The place where the dinner was held was the hotel where they were staying. .

It’s so convenient, you can just take the elevator down, and the original wish was no trouble. That night, I changed into a small dress sponsored by CF and went to the banquet... I ate a chestnut cake that was said to be delicious.

Otherwise, other temptations are useless!
There was no Er Er ←_← at the banquet... No matter how extravagantly you put it, Yuan Yuan would not be interested in this place.

The chestnut cake is really delicious. Yuanyuan sat in the rest area with a plate and ate without distractions.

Even not far away, a few women stared at him with unfriendly eyes, Yuan Yuan didn't pay attention.

...Of course, even if you don't eat, with Yuanyuan's waist-thick nerves, you won't pay attention to these...

The women are all dressed as rich wives, they are not very old, they look less than thirty, and they all look pretty good.

The cake was a small piece that was six to seven centimeters long and two to three centimeters wide. When I wished to eat the third piece, a woman in a blue dress sneered disdainfully.

"If you don't pay attention, aren't you afraid that one day your figure will be out of shape and you will be dumped by a man?"

The volume of these words is not low, and the tone is not good, even a bit cursing.

It seems that these women are about to open fire.

And Yuan Yuan... Yuan Yuan continued to eat while bowing her head, let alone looking up, she didn't even change her expression.

Such an "arrogant" attitude made those women angry, and their tone became ruthless, "Original wish! Don't you dare to accept the move?"

Hearing his name, Yuanyuan looked up curiously, looked at some strangers, "Is there something wrong?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid! Or do you want to say now that you didn't hear what I said just now?"

Except for some normal married couples, there are two types of common rich wives... one is the family who is also very rich, and the rich and powerful have joined forces, and the other is the beautiful ones with good wrists.

One is a rich lady, and the other is a scheming girl, neither of which is easy to deal with.

Yuan Yuan didn't feel this way, she put down the plate, her expression became more and more bewildered, "Did you say those words just for me?"

"That's right!"

"But Er Er won't dump me."

"Don't talk so full! Are you so confident?"

"Of course."

The women smiled dismissively and asked aggressively, "Why?"

Yuan Yuan frowned slightly, not understanding why everyone likes to ask unnecessary questions.

"Because I am his heart."

...It turns out that you, sister-in-law, are so nasty!Bodyguards cry...

The women thought that the original wish was a deliberate provocation, and their tone became more and more harsh, "That is to say, there is no evidence? I think you should admit defeat as soon as possible! What can you do for Mr. Guan? Can you give him advice on business, or Can bring him rich connections, or..."

The women sneered at Yuanyuan's bare hands and neck without jewelry, "Can you bring him a large investment?"

(End of this chapter)

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