my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 566 Black belly is definitely not easy to mess with

Chapter 566 Black belly is definitely not easy to mess with (1)

Empty and uninhabited roads, mobile phone signals disappearing for no reason, creepy casualty forecasts, and strange and monotonous noises on the radio...

Absolutely ghost movie feeling.

Fu Ran was so frightened that his liver almost burst, he staggered back a step, and with a bang, his leg hit the rearview mirror.

Fu Ran didn't even have the strength to startle, and he didn't even dare to see what touched him. With a scream of "ah", he stumbled forward and fled.

He was so frightened that his hands and feet went limp, and when he stepped on a small gravel, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

This is the place to be demolished, the ground is quite messy, Fu Ran gnawed a mouthful of sand, and his hands and face were scratched by broken glass.

But now there is only fear in his mind, how can he have the heart to feel it?

He struggled to get up and ran forward desperately.

Fu Ran didn't have the strong physical strength of a certain uncle, and his lungs would explode after running for such a long time.

There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes, and I felt that the air was getting thinner...Because of the shock and lack of oxygen, Fu Ran's mind was completely confused.

Seeing some normal buildings appear in front of him, he should be able to see people soon, but he couldn't react what to do.

In a daze, he heard a decisive voice reminding him, "Go to the right! That blue building is safe!"

Fu Ran reflexively turned right, strode towards the blue building, and slammed into the door when he saw it.

Sure enough someone!

There was a large group of living people in front of him, panting, living people, and Fu Ran was completely relieved.

And that group of people... "Ah... hooligans!" Many people burst into screams in unison.

Just like at the airport that day... Fu Ran broke into the women's restroom again.

Although the queue was too long, Fu Ran actually only ran to the sink, but whether he saw anything or not, the women's toilets are all women's toilets...

Within a few days, he broke into the women's restroom twice in a row...and he was the one who ran in on his own initiative today!
This is even scarier than An Jingchen's scandal!
An Jingchen cheated and framed Wenxin, that's poor character, but Fu Ran... this is perverted!

There was a camera outside that public toilet, so a few minutes later, Fu Ran rushed into the women's toilet with blood on his face and a ferocious expression, and after seeing many, many women... a moving picture of an ecstatic expression suddenly appeared... It was intercepted and spread all over the Internet.

It's so disgusting, looking at the process of this expression change, this, this... is really perverted!

For a while, everyone, regardless of gender, was scolding Fu Ran...

The image of elegance that Fu Ran maintained so carefully was completely ruined just like that...

A certain uncle who dug a deep hole was very calm.

Fu Ran is going crazy now.

He wants to explain today's strange incident to others, and tell everyone that someone framed him today, but...

He first explained to his agent that he wanted the agent to issue a statement for him, but his words frightened his agent to drop his phone.

What driving out to find Yuanyuan, what strange broadcast... Fu Ran's car was parked in the parking lot of his apartment all day today, and the surveillance video was clearly captured!

Fu Ran's hallucinations are so serious, can't he be crazy?

The clear surveillance video was in front of him. This time, Fu Ran was not sure... He also began to suspect that everything that happened in the morning was actually his hallucination.

(End of this chapter)

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