my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 571 I Like You

Chapter 571 I Like You (3)

"Lu Xinwei and the others will definitely not stay in peace forever. There are many people at the celebration banquet and the scene is chaotic, accidents are easy to happen, you have to be careful."

"Okay!" The bodyguards nodded sincerely and honestly.

After Qi Xiuyuan left, the bodyguards discussed in a melancholy low voice, "You said... If you tell Brother Qi that we are all carrying guns today, will he not be able to accept it..."

Qi Xiuyuan didn't know what kind of people were walking behind him...

A certain uncle is not here today, so he takes on the task of taking care of the original wish very gentlemanly.

I took my original wish to say hello to the main creators of the film crew, and then went to the rest area with my original wish, and brought a plate of food to my original wish before I went to deal with the media.

I originally wanted to come to the celebration banquet, and the main task was to eat.

Eat more, you will have the strength to sleep for two or two~
She was eating happily when Fu Ran came over suddenly, and when she was three steps away from her, he stopped hesitantly.

He stopped for a full 2 ​​minutes, and it took so long that everyone in the banquet hall noticed this side, and then he seemed to have made a lot of determination, and stood in front of Yuan Yuan, "Xiao Yuan, can you come out for a while?" ? I have something to give you."

"What, why can't you send it here?" The bodyguards questioned in a dignified manner.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Fu Ran's eyes, "There are so many media reporters here, you want me to give a gift to Xiao Yuan now, not afraid to cause trouble for Xiao Yuan and let Yu Ji write scribbles?!"

This is just and awe-inspiring, and very hypocritical, it really makes people...

Bodyguard A silently touched the gun, and said in a very peaceful and sincere tone, "That's right!"

Yuan Yuan would definitely not listen to Fu Ran's invitation, but she could listen to what the bodyguards said.

After being persuaded by the bodyguards, she put down the half-eaten plate, left the banquet hall with Fu Ran, and came to the hotel's outdoor garden.

I don't know whether it was intentional or the lights were broken. There was no light in the dark garden, but people's voices could be clearly heard, and there were some talking and laughing very intimately.

It seems that there are other people coming out of the banquet hall, and the ones coming out are couples...

Fu Ran seemed to be avoiding these people in a gentlemanly manner, not to compete with them for space, and with his original wish, he walked further and further, and gradually came to the deepest part of the garden.

Beside them is the outer wall of the hotel. Outside the wall is a quiet alley. Normally, no one will pass by. At night, there is no one in sight.

Yuan Yuan didn't feel scared, but was a little annoyed by walking, and seeing Fu Ran finally stood still, she asked him, "What's the matter?"

"Xiaoyuan..." Fu Ran's eyes were deep and his voice was gentle, "I like you."

"Oh." Yuanyuan nodded very naturally, thought for a while, and then said in a good mood, "Then I like you too."


Fu Ran felt trembling in his heart. Originally, he was just acting according to the designed lines, but now he realized that he would be so excited when he heard Yuan Yuan's response.

He raised his hand subconsciously, as if he wanted to pull Yuanyuan away from this place, but before touching Yuanyuan's clothes, he dropped it again.

In his eyes, that little look of struggling only existed for no more than five seconds.

His expression quickly returned to normal. On his face, there was a kind of surprise that was too perfect, but looked a little false, "Xiao Yuan, do you like me too?"

"Yeah~ Er Er likes me, and you like me too. People with the same vision as Er Er should get along well with me~" Yuan Yuan answered very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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