my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 579 This is retribution

Chapter 579 This is retribution (2)

"Okay~ I want to eat beef porridge, custard buns and cold bean curd stick~"

So the two discussed with great interest what to eat later, and got into the car hand in hand to eat supper...

The bodyguards had no choice but to stop crying, followed behind them sadly, and got into the car one after another.

This day is over!
The boss and sister-in-law eat supper, and they want to follow suit!
But it doesn't matter if these two people have weird styles, why can they still eat and not get fat!
The answer they won't want to know...

There were many media present at the celebration banquet, because most of the celebrities at the banquet would drink alcohol, and what the celebrities looked like after they were drunk, and how the wine tasted, had always been news that attracted a lot of attention.

That's why most of the entertainment journals stayed on and took photos of the main actors one by one...Wait, where's Fu Ran?
Yuan Yuan left with Brother Qi long ago, and brought her a large group of bodyguards... They saw her car leave.

But Fu Ran's car is still there, they have been guarding the door, and they haven't seen Fu Ran leave with anyone!
What about others?
Looking back in the banquet hall, there was a sharp-eyed Yuji who found that Fu Ran's assistant looked flustered, with a thin layer of sweat oozing from his forehead. Although he tried his best to hide it, his eyes kept wandering in the banquet hall, obviously looking for someone .

Fu Ran is lost!

Even his assistant couldn't find him!

Experienced entertainment journalists immediately judged this information.

Big news!

For such a big person, and in such a safe environment as a hotel, he would never just throw it away.

The only explanation is that Fu Ran threw away Yu Ji and his assistant, and went to have a secret meeting with someone!

And this is a hotel!Maybe I took someone to open a room with me!

The entertainment journalists were all overwhelmed, knowing that if they dug up this piece of information, the rewards would be considerable.

Anyway, all the filming that should be done was done, and the entertainment journalists left the banquet hall immediately, and each chose a route based on their own judgment, and went out to find Fu Ran.

If you are clever, ask the actors or crew members you are familiar with, and get the clue that Fu Ran once took Yuanyuan to the back garden of the hotel.

Then try going to the back garden first, maybe someone in the garden has seen Fu Ran!
It's better than looking around like a chicken without a head!
As a result, as soon as several Yuji opened the door leading to the back garden, a person ran over in a panic and almost bumped into them.

"Hey, be careful!"

Standing at the front, Yuji A nervously protected his professional photography equipment.

If it crashes, he will be in vain this year!
Holding the camera tightly, the Yuji looked up and was taken aback.

Emma, ​​this face is so fleshy!
He has seen a lot of people who are not thin, and he himself is not thin!But other people seem to be more friendly when they are fat, why this person looks like a butcher, with a fierce face!
Especially this is a woman!

Coupled with this flustered expression, as if he had just killed someone... When he looked up just now, he was really shocked.

Yuji A carefully hugged his camera, silently dodging to the side.

Behind him, there happened to be a senior entertainment reporter standing.

He was also stunned when he saw the person who just barged in, "Lan Xiaoxiao?!"

Is it Lan Xiaoxiao?!
The entertainment reporters who claim to have sharp eyes, even if the stars are wearing hats, sunglasses and masks, they can still recognize people, were completely shocked.

This is Lan Xiaoxiao?! This weight is twice her previous weight!
And what are the black and red spots on her face? !

(End of this chapter)

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