my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 592 Confession at the Awards Ceremony

Chapter 592 Confession at the Awards Ceremony (1)

I got used to the original wish two... When others see her committing two mistakes, they also get used to it.

Qi Xiuyuan was only worried that she would say something surprising in the second language, but he never thought that she would have stage fright.

So after Yuan Yuan took the stage, received the trophy, and was silent for the third second, Qi Xiuyuan's nerves almost collapsed.

what happened?Will Yuanyuan also be afraid?

The others also thought Yuan Yuan was nervous and didn't know what to say.

The host was about to say something to save the situation, but Yuan Yuan suddenly raised his head and started talking.

"Brother Qi said just now, let me thank the fans first."


This opening sentence caused everyone to laugh.

Qi Xiuyuan's eyes went dark... He had no choice but to know that many cameras were looking at him, and no matter how much tears burst into his heart, he still had to work hard to maintain an elegant and calm expression on his face, smiling with everyone.

He was already mentally prepared, and when the awards ceremony was over, he would immediately go out for crisis public relations.

Yuan Yuan still held the trophy, frowned slightly, and said while thinking seriously, "But I stand here, and there is only one person I want to thank the most."

"Many people have told me recently that they like my straight-forward personality, who can say whatever is in my heart. When I return to the company, someone always reminds me of my Weibo audience and tells me that there are many people who like me."

This beginning is not very flattering, and it is definitely meant to show off.

The people sitting below are all insiders, and everyone has different thoughts.

Qi Xiuyuan was no longer worried, and began to calm down.

Because he believes that the original wish will never be displayed indiscriminately...

Sure enough, Yuan Yuan continued, "But I always remember that when I was about to enter the industry, I caught up with Brother Qi's trough."

What I wished to talk about was the series of troubles that Qi Xiuyuan and Lan Xiaoxiao encountered after their relationship was exposed.

"Brother Qi has always been very popular in the past. He has good character and great work ability. He has helped many people realize their dreams. He is the god in the hearts of almost everyone who dreams of being a star."

"But these people who said they liked him didn't trust him at all. When they saw someone find out about Brother Qi's little mistake, they were immediately incited. I still remember how fiercely they scolded him on the Internet. Brother murdered and set fire, and even used a lot of terrible curses on him."

"Obviously they said they liked him so much at the beginning, but they didn't even give him a chance to explain... I didn't know until then that what they said they liked was different from what I thought."

"That cursing battle was terrible, but I still entered the industry because I have a second~"

Yuan Yuan's tone suddenly became brisk, but he still spoke seriously.

"They say they like me to do whatever they want, and dare to say anything... Actually, I dare to do this because I have a second~ I'm never afraid that I will make mistakes. Scold me with everyone when I need comfort the most, because anyway, I have Er Er~"

"Even if everyone in the world doesn't like me anymore, Er Er will still be by my side." Yuanyuan paused, and said happily, "I have Er Er, everything is enough~"

The audience was silent, no one spoke.

I'm used to Yuanyuan's powerful way of committing crimes, but suddenly she became serious and said such a long series of words, everyone couldn't recover.

[Originally, I didn’t have time to write until after eleven o’clock in the evening, and I’m stuck again...there are two chapters left, and I will finish it before noon tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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