my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 604 This Is Absolute Trust

Chapter 604 This Is Absolute Trust (3)

Now it seemed that standing was boring, the uncle didn't seem to have looked at the old opponent Scarface at all, he just lowered his head, took off his shirt very calmly, and put on a shirt.

...Because as a man who loves to compete for favor, a certain uncle pays special attention to his image in front of Yuanyuan...

Scarface thought it was a provocation.

Because Guan Xingrui didn't have a gun hidden on his body, at least his upper body, let alone a bomb strapped to his waist like him.

This completely contemptuous attitude added a bit of viciousness and hatred to Scarface's voice——

"Growing up in the United States, you should have heard of the Four Seas Gang, right? The Four Seas Gang was the largest Chinese gang in the United States at the time, and Guan Xingrui was just a killer who had just finished his training period and hadn't started his official mission yet."

"However, it is such a small character who used the trust of my dad and other people in the gang to secretly collect evidence of drug and human trafficking in the gang and hand it over to the police!"

"One night, just one night! The Four Seas Gang was destroyed, my father, my two uncles...all the core members of the gang, a total of 25 people! They were all beaten to death by him under the pretext of assisting the police in arresting them!"

Mentioning the deep hatred, the muscles on Scarface's face were twitching, and the terrifying scar seemed to become more and more obvious, "Look at my face, look at it! This scar is cut by Guan Xingrui. It came out! If he hadn't missed it for a while, I would have died like those 25 people!"

Guan Xingrui has always concealed it too well. Scarface knows that his right hand has been seriously injured, and even this injury is actually related to their family, but he never thought that this injury has not healed, and he thought it was a momentary miss.

Scarface thought he had said something tragic and resentful, and he clearly understood what a sinister and despicable person Guan Xingrui was, and he sneered to see Yuanyuan's reaction.

Guan Xingrui cares most about the original wish?

Heh, so he not only wants to abuse Yuan Yuan and make Guan Xingrui suffer, but also exposes his hypocrisy in front of Yuan Yuan, making Yuan Yuan disappointed in him, and it is best to break up with Guan Xingrui!

... As a result, after looking at it this way, he found that Yuan Yuan continued to stare at the ants fighting on the ground, as if he hadn't heard what he said at all.

"@#¥%&!!!" A series of swear words burst out on Scar's face, "Original Wish! Why didn't you listen to me!"

Yuan Yuan looked at him strangely, then looked down at the ant again.

"you answer me!"

"..." Yuan Yuan frowned in confusion, looked at her foster husband again, and finally said helplessly, "It was you who said that I wouldn't let me talk to you... Oh, forget it, I don't care about it with you," Yuan Yuan May said generously, "After all, you are in menopause, and you are prone to bad temper."

"...I asked why you didn't listen to me!"

"Because I don't like to listen, and you don't let me talk, so I don't need to answer, so I can stop listening at all."

"That year, I killed 25 people, including his father and his uncle overnight, in exchange for a reward of 50 U.S. dollars."

A certain uncle suddenly spoke, and what he said was a simpler, rougher and more misunderstood version than what Scarface said.

Yuanyuan's brow furrowed in an instant.

"Killing so many people in a row, you must be very tired. Did you add food to replenish your energy that day?"

(End of this chapter)

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