my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 614 Remember when I was young

Chapter 614 Remember when I was young (5)

"Really?" But what is the principle?

Yuan Yuan was puzzled, thought for a while, and muttered to himself, "Why don't I buy another doll with a waist?"

Guan Xingrui, who has never won a belly and is about to meet a new "enemy": "..."

After taking a look at Yuanyuan, he said in a very calm tone, "I can't buy it these two days, I don't have enough money."

"Ah..." Yuan Yuan immediately became nervous, "Aren't we out of money?" But she still has to raise Er Er!
Yuan Yuan has been an idiot since she was a child, and her foster husband has always been in charge of the family's money, because it is more troublesome to calculate movable and real property, and she doesn't even know how much money she used to have.

Of course there is still money. Uncle and aunt used to be in business and left a huge amount of inheritance. Besides, he has started to make money himself now, which is enough for him and Xinxin.

Not wanting Yuan Yuan to worry, Guan Xingrui first told her in a firm tone, "There is still a lot of money."

And the next sentence... "But I can't buy extra things this month, because the money I planned to use for random consumption was used to buy a belt."

The tone of a certain Tong Yangfu was very calm, "I bought a new belt, because my waist has become thinner, and the original one can't be used."

As he said that, he looked meaningfully at his belly, whose waist would never get thinner...

It's a pity that the original wish... missed the point.

As soon as she heard it, she became worried, "Why did the waist get thinner, did Er Er lose weight from hunger?"

Yuan Yuan circled around her adoptive husband very uneasy, and even reached out to touch her, "But I remember... Er Er has always been like this!"

"That's why you read it wrong." A certain Tong Yangfu's tone was authoritative, beyond doubt.

He told Yuan Yuan very calmly, "For example, I have recently become handsome again."

Original wish: "..."

After staring at it for a while, she pouted depressedly, "I can't see it... Maybe it's because in my heart, Er Er is always the most handsome, so no matter how I change it, it looks like I like it the most."

These words made a certain man so turbulent, even walking, almost took a "~"-shaped route...

But after he brought his original wish back to the bedside and sat down, his tone couldn't be heard turbulent. Instead, he said solemnly, "If you get closer to me at night, you can see clearly."

"But I've always been very close to Er Er~" Yuan Yuan tilted his head so that he could lean on his adoptive husband's shoulder, and said happily, "Because I just like being with Er Er~"


After the rippling is over...continue to pave the way for the next rippling and mensao.

So Guan Xingrui said with a straight tone, "It can be a little closer~"

"Ah? Oh..." Yuan Yuan finally thought of a way, and suddenly realized, "You can still hold Er Er! The time to hold Er Er is the closest!"


A certain Mensao who finally won the victory looked at his belly and was very satisfied with the result of this "struggle".


Later that day, both of them took a bath, drank milk before going to bed, and even Guan Xingrui had finished telling Yuan Yuan a bedtime story, and when they were all about to go to bed—

Guan Xingrui silently looked at his belly sitting on the bed.

Yuan Yuan didn't notice his strange appearance, wearing cartoon pajamas, fell on the bed, turned sideways, hugged her Tong Yangfu with her left hand, and her belly with her right hand, just hugging left and right (←_←)... getting ready to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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