my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 626 2 Into the Pit...

Chapter 626 The second fell into the pit...... (2)

Because the "sport" of rolling sheets requires no morals. →_→
As for the first sex, the "summary" of the two is——

"It turns out that not only can it transform, but it can also change so much!" Yuan Yuan was surprised.

A certain Tong Yangfu continued his calm and unflappable style, "The change is great, and it has also become great." →_→
"Hmm~" Yuan Yuan agreed very much.

So this kind of conversation that people couldn't look at directly continued calmly and naturally...

For many people, experiencing the first time... Well, changing from a boy to a man is an important dividing point in life.

And for those who know Mr. E's name and think they know the history of his fame...his life should be divided into two very different parts based on him.

Before, he was just an ordinary member of the crowd. After that, he has the ability to call the wind and rain, has the power to deter the world, and is extremely rare to have the ultimate boss of the underworld who is praised by ordinary people and has a good reputation.

But in fact, for a certain Tong Yangfu himself... In his life, there is only one demarcation point that appeared very early.

It was when he was seven years old.

That year, both his parents passed away suddenly because of the assassination, and when there was only gloom and hatred left in his heart, his parents' former friends, that is, the original parents, found him and brought him home from the orphanage. He also knew the original wish.

Yuanyuan's parents are warm and kind people. In fact, they are not very familiar with his parents. It is just that many years ago, the company they run cooperated with his parents' laboratory once.

His parents have always been obsessed with academics, and their lives are completely divided between home and laboratory. They are not sociable, or they are not sociable at all.

So after the cooperation ended, I didn't have any contact with my original parents.

In fact, it was just such a short intersection.

But after his parents died suddenly, everyone said that they were assassinated because they were targeted by a certain research result and refused to cooperate with gangsters...

When those people were afraid of being implicated, they didn't want to have anything to do with him, and they didn't even attend his parents' funeral to avoid suspicion, but the original parents were able to put down all their work when they heard about it. Lianye flew over to pick him up from the orphanage.

Probably only such a kind person can raise a little girl with the character of the original wish.

Sui Yi became famous much earlier than him. When he was 12 years old, Sui Yi was already the famous Mr. Y.

As Mr. Y, Sui Yi's main daily job accept others' requests for help.

His situation at the time conflicted with the rules set by Sui Yi, logically, he was not within the scope of Sui Yi's help.

But after meeting him, Sui Yi made an exception and nodded to help him.

Sui Yi said at the time that he broke the rules he set because it was the first time he saw someone like him, who never forgot blood and deep hatred, but was positive and warm in his heart.

In fact, Sui Yi was wrong, what he had in his heart was not the sunshine, but the original wish.

They grew up and became closer, and he would often hold his little fiancée in his arms.

But every time it was like the year when he first arrived at Yuan Yuan's house, Yuan Yuan insisted on telling him a bedtime story in order to prevent him from having nightmares, and fell asleep when he was so sleepy while sitting, and fell into his arms As always, it seems that there is a warm sun hitting my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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