my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 646 Wedding 1 will definitely be a success!

Chapter 646 The wedding will definitely be a success! (2)

"You don't need to look at it, just do what you want." A certain Tong foster husband has always been so grandpa.

"Boss..." A trembling voice with a crying voice sounded near them.

Bodyguard Jiaba was on the eaves, looking at him with tears in his eyes, "Boss, let sister-in-law have a look!"

Sister-in-law... sister-in-law is not an ordinary person! (┬_┬)
After all, the TV movie is only a short clip. If the sister-in-law is not allowed to know the whole wedding process... "What if something goes wrong at the wedding..." (┬_┬)
Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and asked him inexplicably, "Why is there such a mess? Er Er and I can't run away."


Bodyguard A's stunned reaction made Yuan Yuan even more confused, "The most important thing about a wedding is not the groom and the bride? If we are both fine, then the wedding will be a success."

"..." This simple but seemingly truthful logic... made Bodyguard A speechless for an instant.

It seems to be like this... The boss and the sister-in-law get married, of course the two protagonists are the most important. The two of them feel that there is no problem, so everything is ok...

It can be said that, in the eyes of others, this is not the case at all!There are so many things to think about at a wedding!

...Forget it, they're used to it... (┬_┬) Besides, a wedding with Young Master Yan as the best man is not normal at all.

Anyway, the wedding will be held on Chu Ran's private island. When the guests arrive, they will hide all the means of transportation. ←_←
The guests can't escape, no matter how the wedding is held, they can only stay and continue to participate! →_→

Well, yes, yes, that's the truth.

Bodyguard A ran back immediately to share the good news with his companions.

So Qi Xiuyuan and a group of bodyguards calmed down... for an instant, they felt that this wedding would definitely be a success! ←_←
Guests don't know they're about to be kidnapped...

But even if they knew, they wouldn't back down.

A bum is going to marry a weirdo!In case video recording is not allowed at the wedding site, if there is any joke, they won't be able to watch it if they don't go!
…No, what they meant was that, looking at all the gossip around, this wedding is absolutely luxurious and romantic, a veritable wedding of the century.

In addition, the bride and groom looked as if they came out of a painting, the scene must be more dreamy than a fairy tale, of course they want to see it!
Yes, their purpose is to be so upright and pure!
So the day before the wedding, all the invited guests went out in high spirits, each rushed to the airport, and boarded a chartered flight specially arranged by a certain uncle.

That mental outlook is like... the excitement of going to a buffet together after starving for three days with your buddies...

The bodyguards are afraid that they are too happy now, and they will not be able to accept the excitement later...

So I wanted to tell them who the best man and bridesmaid would be today...let them prepare mentally.

But...the ones who were frightened were actually them!

Waiting for Yan Dashao's very humanized but really imposing black Hummer to drive over and stop, and get out of the car...

How could it be Han Tian and Yan Yan?!
Wasn't Han Tian sent to the zoo by Young Master Yan?

And what about Young Master Yan?Where is Han Tian's little girl's mother?
This weird combination stunned the group of people.

(End of this chapter)

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