my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 650 Show affection...

Chapter 650 Show affection... (2)

The bodyguards all felt pessimistically that such a shocking incident had happened before the wedding...the wedding would definitely be more chaotic!
When they arrived at Chu Ran's island, after they got off the plane, the first thing they did was to hide all the vehicles!
... Otherwise, someone will run away soon!
But in fact, the bodyguards were a little too pessimistic. When they actually arrived at their destination, nothing strange happened, and the wedding went smoothly.

There is a pair of bride and groom who look like a pair of people, the best man and bridesmaid who are not as delicate as real people, there is Sui Yi Churan and a certain beautiful man who does not know who it is, but his temperament is not ordinary, there is the Yan family brother group and their other half ...

The eyes full of handsome men and beauties are more eye-catching than watching any TV and movies. The guests are reluctant to blink, let alone run away. It is estimated that they will not be able to drive them away.

In this way, the wedding went smoothly to the oath-taking stage.

The priest asked, "Miss Yuanyuan, are you willing to marry Mr. Guan Xingrui as a wife, regardless of illness or hardship..."

Yuan Yuan frowned suddenly, "Don't curse Er Er."

Compared with the priest, the guests are still accustomed to the style of the original wish. Now they are not shocked, and they all rushed to say, "But as long as you are a human, you can't escape life, old age, sickness and death... The priest said that the disease is just a hypothesis."

Yuan Yuan also agrees with this statement, "Well, I know that Er Er may also get sick, but Er Er will not suffer~"

"Why?" The eyes of Yuji, who was invited to follow the photo, lit up and immediately asked loudly, "I heard that Mr. Guan is very rich, and his net worth is far more than that of the Hengyuan Group. You married him partly because of his money. ?"

After Yu Ji asked, he received countless knife-like eyes from the scene.

If you ask this kind of question at someone's wedding, you are sick!

Woohoo, he is indeed sick, an occupational disease!

Yu Ji was so stared at by the guests that he wanted to hug his head, he didn't doubt the relationship between the two of them, it's the news that needs to be explosive, explosive!

Besides, if you ask such tricky and weird questions, you can see the depth of their relationship only by seeing how Yuanyuan answers!

As expected, Yuan Yuan didn't have to think too much about such a question, she just found it strange.

"No." After finishing the answer, she asked back, "But why do you think that Er Er may be in trouble someday in the future?"

The more I think about the original wish, the more I don’t understand, "Er Er has me! Even if something happens, I will definitely not feel bitter~ With me, Er Er will always be happy~"

As he spoke, his tone became joyful, "Just like me, if I have [-], I won't be afraid of anything~"

Everyone at the scene: "..."

The corners of the lips of a certain uncle had a slight tendency to rise, holding the girl he had liked since childhood, and said calmly, "Because Xinxin likes me~~~"

"Yeah~ Er Er likes me too~"


The bodyguards who were silently scratching the wall were startled, and the group of relatives and friends who were familiar with them were also taken aback.

What did they hear?! Did a certain Mensao say "hmm" just now?!
He admitted it?!
Everyone knows how much he likes Yuanyuan, but this is the first time he admits it himself!
And why is Yuanyuan not excited?! This is a confession! ! !
It is a rare thing in a thousand years to hear this super big mensao confide in his heart once in a while!
(End of this chapter)

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