my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 667 Han Rabbit's Marriage Proposal?

Chapter 667 Han Rabbit's Marriage Proposal? (1)

Xiaoxi's mood was depressed for a while, and then she realized that she couldn't keep silent like this.

She looked up at Han Tian, ​​trying to pretend that nothing had happened, it was just the reunion of two unfamiliar people, and smiled at Han Tian, ​​"I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Tu Xiaoxi, family members and friends Everyone calls me Xiaoxi."

Han Tian's reaction was even stranger than hers, he smiled and stretched out his hand, "Shouldn't we shake hands?"

"Ah? Ah... yes, it's time to shake hands." Xiaoxi smiled awkwardly, and quickly reached out to shake hands with Han Tian.

Really... It's like meeting strangers for the first time.

The moment the two hands clasped together, they could clearly feel the warmth of each other's fingers, but it wasn't because of holding hands... There was an indescribable feeling in Xiaoxi's heart.

But at this moment, Han Tian took advantage of the moment when the two of them held hands tightly when shaking hands, he suddenly pulled Xiao Xi into his arms with force!
Xiaoxi was taken aback, her first reaction look down at her clothes...(┬_┬)
It was too embarrassing just now, it cast a psychological shadow... (┬_┬)
It scares people so flustered, but Han Tian looks like a little rabbit out to bask in the sun. The whole rabbit is very leisurely, taking out a candy unhurriedly, and eating it with a gentle and harmless smile. Then……

Bow your head, and kiss Xiaoxi's lips unambiguously!

Xiaoxi: "..."! ! !
His hands were clasped behind Xiaoxi's head, making Xiaoxi unable to escape, and even the movement of him pushing against Xiaoxi's lips was absolutely domineering and firm.

...but then...he gave Xiaoxi half a candy.

Creek Complete @[email protected]Now, looking at the pair of rabbit eyes close at hand, a very discouraged thought suddenly popped up.

Is he too little white rabbit, so he doesn't know the meaning of this kiss, but just wants to share candy with her like this...?
But after the sugar is distributed, Han Tian's lips have not moved away...

The mellow wine entered his throat, and a burst of pungent hot air rushed straight to the top of his head. Xiao Xi's face suddenly turned red, and it was unknown whether it was the effect of the wine or something else.

...Wait, where's the wine?

Han Tian let her go at this time, as if he was not going to explain the kiss just now, but continued the previous topic leisurely, "I rescued those girls, but..."

A faint smile suddenly appeared in Rabbit's eyes, "I've only hugged one person with my own hands, and I've only detoxified one person."

Detoxification, detoxification... What she took at the time was an aphrodisiac, so it was... detoxified!

Xiaoxi's face was hot again, and he didn't even know where to look with his eyes. He turned around on the ground a few times like a tumbler, and said with a dry smile, "This wine is so spicy, I feel like I'm blushing...haha ……ah!"

The sudden scream ended because... Han Tian suddenly lowered his head and licked her lips!
Xiaoxi almost jumped out of the window and escaped. She was at a loss and didn't know what to do. She blushed and looked at him, "You, you..."

He is obviously a rabbit!

...Could it be that he visited the wolf den and then mutated?!
Han Tian pursed his lips calmly, "It's not spicy."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly smiled and patted Xiao Xi's head, "The drinking capacity is so poor, we will stop drinking when we get married."

@[email protected]Was she being patted by a rabbit...

Comforted by the cute Han Tian, ​​Xiaoxi felt like a baby, and was taken aback for a moment before realizing... "Wedding?!"

(End of this chapter)

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