my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 691 Chasing Wife 36 of 4 Strategies

Chapter 691 Chasing Wife, Part 36 of 1 ([-])

This shy animal-like action made Han Tian feel soft in his heart, and asked her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Even in the dark, with his back to Han Tian, ​​no one could see him, and Xiao Xi's face was flushed red, "I... have always missed you too."

Han Tian's arm holding the man froze.

These words exhausted Xiaoxi's courage, especially Han Tian seemed to have a big reaction and was about to say something, Xiaoxi pulled the quilt with a swipe, covered his head firmly, and said in a hurry, "Ah, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep, good night!"

Woooooo...why did she say such things impulsively!
Xiaoxi wished that she could live in a magical world, know some sleeping spell, which could make Han Tian fall asleep immediately, and would not respond to her words.

But the reality is...

Not only did Han Tian have something to say, but he also sat up suddenly in reaction!
My face was so hot that it almost burned, and the quilt seemed to be full of high temperature, but the quilt behind me was lifted because of sitting up in the cold weather, and I felt chilly.

Xiaoxi burst into tears, and now, both in body and in mind, she has truly experienced what it is like to be in a world of ice and fire... (┬_┬)
Xiaoxi covered his head, and didn't know what Han Tian's expression was.

But after Han Tian sat up, he remained silent.

And Xiaoxi didn't know if she was too nervous and had an illusion, she seemed to feel... Han Tian's eyes were fixed on her under the quilt, so sharp that she wanted to stare out two holes in the quilt.

The emotion in those eyes seemed to be... not very happy?

Xiaoxi was guessing blankly, Han Tian turned on the bedside lamp with a "snap".


Xiaoxi was so nervous that he kicked his legs... This time he looked more like a frightened little animal.

Afraid that Han Tian saw her flushed face, she shrank back into the quilt again, "You... What are you doing with the light on?"

Han Tian's voice was not as gentle as usual, it sounded a bit serious, "Why did you say 'also'?"


Xiaoxi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly forgot about being shy, and suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up, staring blankly at Han Tian.

She said "also"...she did say "I've been thinking about you too" just now.

This is because Han Tian told her before that he has always missed her all these years!
Could it be that she heard wrong?
Hasn't Han Tian thought about her?
Han Tian glanced at her again, "Do you know why I asked you that?"


Han Tian interrupted her and said seriously, "Because you will definitely sit up, and I will be able to see your blushing."

"...You hate it!" A black-bellied bad rabbit! ! !
Xiao Xi blushed, and rushed to hit her, but Han Tian caught her, grabbed her hand with a big laugh, and took the opportunity to kiss her secretly.

The two started "fighting" on the bed, rolling around on the bed ←_← rolling around like this. →_→
After a while, Xiaoxi was so tired that she was panting, and she burst into tears to find out that she hadn't been able to beat this rabbit, and instead had been secretly kissed countless times... (┬_┬)
But Xiaoxi was still stubborn, pointing to his flushed face, "Look, I blush when I exercise!" It's not for any other reason!

Han Tian glanced at her, and asked quietly, "Then we were having sex just now?"

"..."! ! !Woo...

Xiaoxi turned over violently in tears, lay down on the bed and refused to show his face.

(End of this chapter)

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