my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 703 The Cold Rabbit’s Plan

Chapter 703 The Cold Rabbit’s Plan (2)

There is someone who holds you in his arms so preciously, and asks you in the most solemn and gentle tone, if you would like to make the two of you the closest us, whatever is fine.

Xiaoxi's nose felt a little sore, but she also started to worry, "You are at Lu's house now..."

Han Tian didn't shy away from her, talked about his progress without any hesitation, and explained why his revenge plan had been delayed for so many years.

"When I first entered Lu's house, I felt that I would make all those who killed my parents pay in blood, and I would take back everything they stole."

"But when I was a little older, I realized that the Lu family runs a hotel chain. If the Lu family goes bankrupt and their hotels are auctioned off, a large number of people will lose their jobs."

"Those old employees who have worked hard all their lives in the Lu family's hotel will lose their pensions. What I do is no different from forcing them to death."

Xiaoxi let out a soft "ah" in surprise, she just thought of this.

The five-star hotel opened by the Lu family needs a lot of employees.

Not to mention that in the end, in order to keep the entire family, the Lu family may sell the business of the entire state like Europe and America, and countless people will face unemployment.

Han Tian patted her head comfortingly, "In the past few years, I have slowly collected the criminal evidence of the younger generation of the Lu family, and also secretly bought some stocks. I'll let the board choose mine."

He will still take back what the Lu family robbed, but in a peaceful way.

At least... it's peaceful on the surface~
"Yeah!" Xiaoxi agreed with his plan and had confidence in him, so he said with a smile, "Then you have to be careful, I always feel that the Lu family is vicious and insane..."

Han Tian smiled like a little white rabbit wagging its ears, "Don't worry, I'm going to live a long life, eat every day and show off my cute wife~~~"

"..." A few words are not serious!
Xiaoxi kicked him angrily, turned over and went to sleep.

The rabbit behind him said aggrievedly, "I didn't say I'm a cute eater and sleep with my wife."

"..."! ! !
Because of the heroic life ideal of a certain rabbit, Xiaoxi...had a very evil dream that night! (┬_┬)
In fact, in the dream, Han Tian was just...uh, wearing a little less clothes, and even kissed her a few times.

But for Xiaoxi, this dream is like a big devil in the evil world...

She woke up for a long time in the morning, washed up, sat at the table and started eating, her face was still flushed.

The uncles and aunts are all experienced, and they can tell that the daughter is shy at a glance, so they are not worried.

And afraid that Xiaoxi would be embarrassed, the couple tried not to look at their daughter.

On the contrary, Baby Tu has been eating while blinking his big eyes, as if looking at his mother curiously.

I was so engrossed in watching it that I forgot to eat other things. The bun’s face was buried in the porridge bowl, and only a pair of cute big eyes were exposed on the side of the bowl, as cute as a little bunny.

The little rabbit's voice was also obedient, and after eating, he asked his mother, "Mom, I'm going to play at Mingming's house today, can I take Xiao Hanhan there?"

Han Tian intuitively felt that this was a pit.

Because this black-bellied baby bunny obviously wants to avenge her mother, and has been cheating him...

But this sentence... On the surface, it is definitely a good thing.

The baby wants to introduce him to her little playmates, which is tantamount to a kind of recognition for him, what a wonderful thing!

(End of this chapter)

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