my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 724 Even a stream can turn into a pit...

Chapter 724 Even a stream can turn into a pit... (1)

Although Han Tian's obedient appearance seems to have something to do with the word "virtuous", but...

Looking at the kitchen now, the one standing by the sink really looks like a sad little white rabbit pinching the plate!
Xiaoxi started laughing again...

Han Tian glanced at her faintly, "We can't go on like this."

Xiaoxi nodded sharply. That's right, the ancestors said that the rabbit will definitely bite when it is in a hurry!

So Han Tian is going to wave the rabbit claws, go out and do a set of carrot punches?


Xiaoxi has been completely laughing and convulsing tonight, and she doesn't need anyone to answer her, she is amused by her own association and laughs again.

A certain rabbit silently glanced at her...

Afterwards, he looked back, although the movements were very unskilled, but he cleaned all the bowls with absolute seriousness, wiped off the water droplets, and put them away. Then he washed his hands again seriously, dried them, and then walked to the small around the creek.


Xiaoxi subconsciously felt that the danger was approaching, so he was shocked and took a step back.

Han Tian didn't do anything excessive, just stretched out his hand, and grabbed Xiaoxi's sleeve obediently, "I want to do something."

Haha, it really looks like a bunny, so cute!
Xiaoxi almost patted his head, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Han Tian's pair of long ones are very beautiful, but looking at the rabbit eyes that are particularly gentle and harmless, he raised his eyes and glanced at Xiaoxi, "Sleep."

Xiaoxi almost burst out laughing, why did he keep talking more and more cute!

When some men say this, they may be very cute and ridiculous, but Han Tian has a rabbit face, when he says that, he is really cute!
Like a kindergarten teacher, Xiao Xi patted Han Tian's head in a dignified manner, "Cough, well, I approve you to go to bed!"

Han Tian smiled and turned a pair of rabbit eyes, took Xiao Xi's hand, "Then let's go, Jue Jue."

She doesn't sleep now, she just finished eating, how can she fall asleep...

Xiaoxi retorted subconsciously in her heart, trying to speak out, but...

and many more!

I very much hoped that I was thinking too much, little by little, Xiaoxi turned her stiff eyes and looked at Han Tian.

Han Tian patted her head with a smile, "Juejue, why don't you leave?"




The last two words are not overlapping sounds, it's Han Tian who is going to call her that... rogue rabbit! (┬_┬)
Xiaoxi shook off Han Tian's hand in grief and anger, and ran away.

It's a pity that Han Tian is tall and has long legs and good skills. His speed has always been worthy of his rabbit face...

After catching up with the brook in a few steps, Han Tian's voice was extremely innocent, "Juejue, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoxi's face was blushing to the brim, and he wanted to poke Han Tian's deceitful rabbit face, but he couldn't do it...

She wants to get her back, but she's not black enough... (┬_┬)
And according to experience, this rogue rabbit will not let her go easily, there are still a lot of rogue words and...cough, rogue things are waiting for her!

Xiaoxi didn't want to just sit and wait for death. After thinking for a long time angrily, he suddenly remembered... Yes!
She immediately took out a package of something like dried fruit from the loose pocket of her home clothes, and chewed a piece.

And when I just chewed it, my eyebrows were so wrinkled that they were almost knotted, and when I finished eating, I immediately put on a face of relief.

Xiaoxi moved so fast that Han Tian didn't see what she was eating, he just thought it was some kind of snack that he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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