my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 730 Young Master, You Are Too Powerful!

Chapter 730 Young Master, You Are Too Powerful! (1)

He took the phone to type!

A moment later, a line of words appeared on the phone——

"I have already told my confidants about the existence of Tu Xiaoxi and Tu Baobao. If I don't go back within three days, he will bring this matter to the Lu family!"

When death is imminent, many people will save their lives in this way.

As for whether there is such a confidant, no one knows, but generally no one dares to bet.

Although Lu Chengye's forehead was covered with cold sweat from the pain, there was a faint glimmer of pride in his eyes.

The smile on Han Tian's face was much more obvious than his.

After leisurely reading the words on the phone screen, Han Tian smiled and took out a pocket carrot-shaped lollipop, and slowly tore off the candy wrapper.

Look, look at their young master's calmness, cuteness and demeanor!
Han Tian's subordinates watched from the side, and felt that his young master was too stylish.

... Then Han Tian suddenly turned his head, smiled and told him, "Take off your clothes."

"..." The subordinate seemed to be strangled by someone... The praise to Han Tian in his heart suddenly stopped.

The corner of the mouth twitched fiercely, and then twitched again, and squeezed out a... high-pitched and passionate scale, "What—"

The sound was so loud that it attracted a pregnant woman in Han Tian's family, so the neighbor who raised a few chickens in his yard... the hen at home couldn't help but chirp twice...

Sad tears flowed from my hands...

I feel that if Han Tian says anything to him again, he will definitely continue to make non-human pronunciation... His hands waved tearfully, "Needless to say, I'll take off..." (┬_┬)
...but what are you doing after taking it off? !
Three times, five times, two times stripped himself naked... Well, half naked, his hands were covered with coats, and he was tugging at the skirt like a little daughter-in-law, completely at a loss.

Han Tian was still smiling and eating his carrot... lollipop, pointing at Lu Chengye, who was still being stepped on by him, and couldn't make a sound at all, "Pick him up, and I'll take a group photo for you."

Lu Chengye's face changed drastically when he heard the words, his eyes were filled with fierce threats, but Han Tian completely ignored them.

Han Tian's subordinates didn't care what Lu Chengye looked at, they tore off his clothes in two or three strokes, and then...

The subordinates continued to be blank, and made a pair of scissors hands in a tangled gesture, "...Master, do you want to take a group photo like this?"

"..." Six dots also appeared on Han Tian's head, and after a moment of silence, he told him with a smile, "You, lie down and let him press on you, I want to take care of you when I can't see your face .”

"..." His subordinates were so ashamed and angry that they slammed down on the ground and lay flat, dragging Lu Chengye over like dragging a sandbag, and slammed him fiercely.

After the flash flashed several times, and confirmed that Han Tian had finished filming, his subordinates immediately kicked Lu Chengye away, stood up in grief and indignation, turned around and ran away.

I ran for two steps... I felt that the coldness was not right, so I came back and picked up the clothes on the ground...

Before running away again, his subordinates complained to Han Tian tearfully, "Master, you guys who are not virgins are really evil!"

"..." Han Tian silently watched his pure subordinates run away...

Afterwards, with a smile on his lips, he lifted his leg easily, and kicked Lu Chengye who was trying to sneak up on him and snatch his phone again.

No matter what he just finished, the smile on Han Tian's face is absolutely gentle and harmless.

"You are a little dishonest, so I will publish this photo..."

(End of this chapter)

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