my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 732 Even Rabbits Are Showing Their Love

Chapter 732 Even Rabbits Are Showing Their Love (1)

Pfft... Xiaoxi was about to die laughing at the father and daughter.

Han Tian talked all kinds of things, and finally made her daughter give up the idea of ​​"shearing" him...

It wasn't too early in the first place, and Han Tian was afraid that his daughter would dig another deep hole for him if he woke up...

So as soon as Tu Baobao nodded, Han Tian offered to send her daughter back to sleep.

For so many years in the past, this work was done by Xiaoxi and Xiaoxi's parents. This is the first time that Han Tian put his daughter to sleep by himself.

On the way back to the room with his daughter in his arms, he couldn't help but patted his daughter's little head.

Tu Baobao looked at him, a big and sweet smile suddenly appeared on his face as well behaved as a little white rabbit, and he also patted Han Tian's head in a decent manner, and said to him, "Xiao Hanhan, you are fine .”

Han Tian was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help slowing down his steps going upstairs.

Intuitively, my daughter's praise today is different from usual.

Hugging Han Tian with short arms, Tu Baobao said to him again, "Xiao Hanhan, I'm not afraid of bad uncles coming to bully me, but I'm afraid that Xiao Hanhan will run away, I like Xiao Hanhan."

This time Han Tian was really stunned, and felt that his eye sockets were slightly hot.

The baby patted Han Tian's head again, "Xiao Hanhan, your red eye circles are so cute! From now on, I will draw red eye circles for you every day!"

cold day:"……"

This kind of warm and pitiful feeling can only be experienced by becoming a father...

Later that day, Han Tian sent this sentence to several trusted friends.

Except for his own subordinates, he doesn't have many acquaintances, and even few people he can trust. In fact, it's Guan Xingrui and his gang...

Everyone else has already lived the life of a good man at home. Those who have become fathers have expressed their approval, and those who have not yet become fathers also expressed their expectations. They will soon experience such happiness.

Only handsome man Chu...he blocked Han Tian directly.

What morals?! Even the rabbits are showing their happiness!

In a rage, Chu Dameinan turned on the TV and adjusted the channel, deciding not to even watch the animal world in the future. →_→

After sending text messages to show off, a certain happy rabbit went downstairs to find his wife.

The two of them were sitting together in the living room, holding a hair dryer, and blowing the fur of the little juicer of the toy rabbit.

But what Xiaoxi really wanted to do was to pick up a pair of big scissors and cut the fur of the rascal rabbit behind him!

She gritted her teeth, "Put me down!" The wind blows, why does she have to sit in his arms! (┬_┬)
Not only did Han Tian not let her go, but she even hugged her even tighter, "The baby just said that she likes me~"

Xiaoxi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing, "Baby always likes you very much."

The little rabbit had finished blowing, Han Tian put all the things in his hands aside, hugged his wife intently, and asked her, "What about you?"

"..." Xiaoxi blinked, "Of course I like you, a fluffy little rabbit can be used to mop the floor."

Han Tian kissed her with a broken smile, and didn't press her any further.

After quietly hugging his wife for a while, Han Tian said, "When Lu Chengye appeared, I thought about whether I shouldn't stay by your side, because I would cause you trouble."

Xiaoxi's lips moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

"Later, I thought again, such a precious person as me should be kept by my side at all times and protected by myself, so that I can rest assured."

"And... I've already experienced the happiness of having you by my side, and I really can't bear to let me go."

(End of this chapter)

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