my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 742 Han Tian is a Conan Rabbit ←_←

Chapter 742 Han Tian is a Conan Rabbit ←_← (2)

Even the courage is not small, can sneak into the security room of the university.

Xiaoxi was very worried, frowning tightly, afraid that his parents would be worried, so he dared not tell them.

"How can there be enemies..." Xiaoxi still didn't understand.

Han Tian's subordinates were also puzzled, "Young master, you said that this person even broke into the school's security room, and even stole surveillance cameras and smashed equipment... It seems that there is a big conspiracy for such a mobilizing teacher, but he...Of course it may be him Hired people, stepping on skateboards and bumping into people?"

How little the lethality of the skateboard is.

Mr. Tu is in good health and has no heart problems. Under normal circumstances, even if he is knocked down, as long as he doesn't hit his head, he won't be in fatal danger!

... Or the guy on the skateboard actually had a knife in his hand, and he just wanted to stab him the moment his body collided?
Han Tian didn't answer, he was still gnawing on his carrot bun, thinking about something with his head down.

The three of them didn't speak, and it seemed that the atmosphere was a bit dull.

Tu Baobao had already finished his breakfast, so he sat by the car window and looked at the situation outside. The little guy thought about it again, and said sweetly, "Grandpa and grandma, I'm going to deliver milk to Mom and Xiao Hanhan!"

"Hey, the baby is so good." The uncles and aunts praised her with a smile.

Being praised, Baozi had a cute big smile on his little face. The little guy pushed his hands outward, opened the car door, jumped out of the car, and ran to his parents with short legs.

Delivering a box of milk to Xiaoxi and Han Tian's subordinates, Tu Baobao happily raised his little hand and stood beside Han Tian, ​​"Xiao Hanhan, drink milk! Drinking milk will make your ears grow taller!"

The sweet and cute voice of the milky voice sounds really healing. Han Tian hugged his daughter with a smile, inserted the straw very cooperatively, and started drinking the box of "drinking the president's ears" milk...

The arrival of the little guy made the atmosphere much more relaxed and warm.

Han Tian hugged his cute and pitiful daughter, but suddenly thought of something...

"I heard from the baby that besides Lei Lie and He Xiangwen, there was another person who often came to take you to work in the morning?" Han Tian asked Xiaoxi.

Why did you mention this all of a sudden?

Xiaoxi was a little embarrassed, "Actually, it's not..."

Tu Baobao blinked his big eyes, "Many uncles like mom!"

Xiaoxi was even more embarrassed, "No...Lei Lie used to be my boss, and then I went to work in the radio station. Both Mr. He and Mr. Xu knew me because they had listened to the program."

She felt... If she really liked it, what He Xiangwen and Xu Tianda liked was also the very intellectual, rational and calm host on the show.

But in her life...

She doesn't know sex, she's embarrassing...

After drinking the last sip of milk, Han Tian said calmly, "It doesn't matter how you know each other, the important thing is that you like it if you like it, and you won't forget it even if you haven't seen him for many years."

"..." Is this... talking about them?
With a little red face on her face, Xiaoxi silently looked to the side.

Tu Baobao looked at his smiling father, then at his blushing mother, and suddenly smiled sweetly, his eyes were like crescent moons, and he fell back into his father's arms.

In such a warm atmosphere, Han Tian's subordinates... escaped silently.

Holding the phone, Han Tian's subordinates were debating whether to dial a number...

I really want to call Chu Dameinan and form a small team with him to beat up the scum who show affection!

(End of this chapter)

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