my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 748 A Warm and Poor Family Day

Chapter 748 A Warm and Poor Family Day (2)

"Xiaohanhan, you have to work hard! When you stop losing your hair, you must come back to us!"

Xiaoxi laughed so hard that she couldn't help but picked up her daughter in a particularly cooperative way, and ran away laughing.

Several subordinates hurriedly chased after it and continued to protect the creek.

And the rest of the people...

One of his subordinates quickly comforted Han Tian, ​​"Don't worry, young master, even if we sell everything, we will buy you the best pair of scissors to cut your hair! Hahahahaha..."

cold day:"……"

Three minutes later, Han Tian appeared next to Xiao Xi and Bao Bao.

And the subordinates who followed behind him all disappeared...

Because they were beaten up... squatting in the corner and drawing circles.

As soon as Xiaoxi saw him, he burst out laughing.

But Tu Baobao didn't smile at all, his eyes widened, he said in puzzlement and surprise, "Xiao Hanhan, why didn't you cut your hair?"

There was a hint of hurt in the eyes of the rabbit, Han Tian seemed to have just been bullied, and silently lowered his head, "They don't want the rabbit fur scarf because of the hair loss..."

Xiaoxi & Tu Baobao: "..."

With just a word from Han Tian, ​​he filled up the hole dug by Tu Baobao just now... And he still used the hair loss hole to fill up the scarf hole...

One big and one small, the two bunny faces are looking at each other cutely, even the air seems to be turning black...

Xiaoxi felt that she should just silently watch this kind of black-bellied and black-bellied PK...

But then, the two black-bellies temporarily ceased fighting.

Because they are already standing in the amusement park~ The pit can be dug at any time, but the most important thing is to have fun on a good weekend.

The family of three wore cute family attire and played all the rides that babies can play.

The Ferris wheel here is also open at night, so after dark, a group of people bought fast food and lined up on the Ferris wheel to watch the night view.

Needless to say, three rabbits, two big, one small, and three rabbits must be sitting together, and none of the subordinates are willing to be light bulbs...

In City A this season, the sky is still dark early, and many people are still on their way home. There are only dots of lights in the distance, and cars shuttle among them, like meteors dragging a long tail of light, before your eyes. Draw a series of amazing arcs.

"It's so beautiful..." Xiaoxi couldn't help praising.

"Well, it looks good." A certain rabbit beside him paid no attention to the night scene, and looked at his wife intently with a pair of rabbit eyes.

Xiaoxi's face became hot, he cleared his throat, quickly changed the topic, and after identifying the direction, he pointed to the distance and said, "Look, baby, our house is over there."

Turns out a certain rabbit...

Smiling and hugging his wife and daughter, he said happily and contentedly, "No, my home is here."

Xiaoxi: "..." (┬_┬)
Tu Baobao blinked his big eyes, and couldn't help but pat Han Tian's head worriedly, "Xiao Hanhan, you misunderstood, this cage is not the rabbit cage you usually live in, your home is not here!"

Talking about taking away the hamburger beside Han Tian, ​​he said thoughtfully, "Xiao Hanhan must have not eaten bitter melon all day, he is so hungry!"

Han Tian silently put down her daughter, put on a hat with two rabbit ears, sat in the corner as if being bullied, lowered her head...

"This is indeed not my rabbit cage, there is a hole in this rabbit cage..."


This time even Tu Baobao laughed, Xiaoxi laughed even more, and the family of three laughed together.

(End of this chapter)

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