my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 750 An Unexpected Visitor!

Chapter 750 An Unexpected Visitor! ([-])

The corner of Xiaoxi's mouth twitched...

She seems... really thinking too much...

Sure enough, Lu Xinwei didn't even seem to bother to look at her, "I saw the group of photos of your family on the Internet yesterday. At this time tomorrow, send your daughter to this place, and you can mention the reward as you like."

His tone was full of "quickly kneel down and thank you"...

Xiaoxi was shocked again.

"My... daughter? Send it to you?"

The address card Lu Xinwei put on the coffee table is a well-known marine-themed indoor children's playground in City A.

What is she going to do?
Xiaoxi felt that she couldn't communicate with this kind of non-human beings, but Lu Xinwei still had that superior and complacent tone.

"You just need to know that if you lend me a few minutes of your daughter, you can get your salary for a year!"

Xiaoxi has such a good temper, she wants to scold others...

Just about to refuse without hesitation, Xiaoxi shut up in time.

The baby is too similar to Han Tian, ​​and Lu Xinwei cannot let Lu Xinwei see her, but if she refuses in a tactful way, maybe... she can still have a little relationship with Lu Xinwei.

She suddenly thought... Maybe this is a good opportunity to get close to Lu Xinwei, maybe she can help Han Tian...

"I want to discuss it with the child's father." Xiaoxi said calmly.

Uncle Taiwan's eyes are almost popping out, you are crazy!This woman is so brutal, what if she beats and scolds the baby!
Lu Xinwei raised her lips disdainfully, "Tell him, you can add money as you like."

"..." Xiaoxi restrained the urge to hit someone, turned around and went out.

Called and told Han Tian about the situation, but Han Tian's gentle but firm voice of refusal came from the phone, "No."


"No, but," Han Tian said with a rare force, "I have been with Lu Xinwei's brother's assistant for several years. Lu Xinwei beats her whenever she says she wants. She is too stupid. You won't be exposed when you get close to her, but if you are not careful, you will be beaten by her." gone."

people are too stupid...

Thinking of Lu Xinwei's absolute "this lady is here, you all kneel down" just now...Xiaoxi suddenly wanted to laugh.

When Han Tian answered the phone, he was taking the baby and planting...carrots in the yard.

My hands are dirty, and it is inconvenient to hold the phone, so I turned on the speakerphone.

Sitting on the small stool next to him, Tu Baobao could also hear their conversation clearly.

The little guy tilted his head, thought for a while, and then said softly, "Mom, I want to play with that aunt!"

"No!" The couple objected in unison.

Xiaoxi gently explained to her daughter, "That very bad to Xiao Hanhan, she will bully you when she finds out that you two look alike."

"But Auntie, she has seen me before, but she didn't recognize me!"

The little hand drew a big circle in the air, "Because my face looks like a bun, but Xiao Hanhan's face is not fleshy!"

Han Tian was amused by his daughter's cute description.

In fact, although the baby's facial features seem to be carved out of the same mold as him, the two of them have very different faces.

Coupled with the already cute facial features, the baby looks more like a Q-version bunny with big eyes...

At first glance, it is indeed much worse.

But Han Tian was still worried, "When we get to know each other for a long time, we will see how similar they are."

The baby pursed his mouth, and said earnestly and unhappy, "But I want to be the best breeder! I want to protect Xiao Hanhan and drive away those who treat Xiao Hanhan badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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