my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 752 Revenge for Dad

Chapter 752 Revenge for Dad (2)

Xiaoxi didn't stop her, she was in a hurry, she could only be thankful that she was wearing high heels today, her attack power was strong, and she was about to kick Lu Xinwei.


Tu Baobao let out a "wow" and burst into tears, but Lu Xinwei screamed louder than the baby.

With a sound of "Ah", cold sweat slipped down instantly, without the brook kicking her, she just let go and staggered back.

"..." The group of people were all stunned.

Lu Xinwei's hand was still held up, but it was trembling like a convulsion, and drops of blood emerged from her ten finger pads. finger dripping.

This picture is really shocking...

Fingers crossed!
How do you look at it, it seems that her hands have been pierced with many small holes? !

Everyone imagined the feeling, and their legs felt a little numb...

Xiaoxi didn't even have time to see Lu Xinwei. Now that Lu Xinwei was gone, Xiaoxi's first reaction was to hug her daughter up quickly.


The baby who has always been happy is now wrinkling her face sadly, sobbing and crying pitifully, and her clothes...

Although it is still a white fluffy bunny suit, but... why are there so many slender but sharp, seemingly strong... spikes exposed in the fabric on the shoulders?

Has the little white rabbit turned into a little hedgehog...

Recalling the scene just now, these thorns were originally under the clothes, but the coat was fluffy and fluffy, so I couldn't tell, just now Lu Xinwei grabbed it hard...

The spikes pierced through the coat and directly stuck on Lu Xinwei's fingers...

Xiaoxi silently tugged at her fingers, and finally realized that she was worrying for nothing just now...

It's a good thing that she is not as good as Han Tian, ​​otherwise she would move too fast, and if she really hugged her daughter, the baby's plan would be ruined by her...

Lu Xinwei was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, she pointed at Tu Baobao with trembling fingers, her eyes were filled with hate, as if she wanted to tear the baby apart.

Tu Baobao didn't dodge or dodge, instead he took the initiative to run to Lu Xinwei's side, crying very sadly and said, "Sister, can I give you Huhu? Huhu doesn't hurt anymore... Woo, I hurt my sister, I Not a good boy!"

The little guy seemed to be getting more and more sad as he thought about it, crying loudly, "If my voice wasn't too soft, my sister would have heard it and wouldn't have arrested me..."

The person next to him couldn't listen anymore, and murmured softly, "She will arrest you if she hears it, it's not because you have a low voice."

Fearing that Lu Xinwei would take the opportunity to get mad, the uncle at the station quickly changed the subject and asked Tu Baobao, "Baby, that's what you meant when you said we don't want to arrest you. We thought you were afraid of her."

She wiped her eyes with her little hand, although there were no tears... But the sound of her crying sounded so sad that no one had paid attention to the problem of tears for a long time...

Tu Baobao was also sobbing and choking, "Why are you afraid, my sister is so beautiful, like a princess! But the baby is not good..."

The little hand wiped the "tears" again, "Someone bullied the baby today, the neighbor's uncle's prickly pear named Jinhu died, and a little brother grabbed Jinhu's thorn and threw it on me..."

Lu Xinwei gritted her teeth and took a breath, "Then you went out with thorns all over your body?!"

It seems that he is not stupid yet, and he can hear something wrong.

But the baby already had a countermeasure, and said sadly, "I dare not pick it, oh... so I have to come to my mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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