my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 755 Sensational Rabbit

Chapter 755 Sensational Rabbit (1)

??????Lu Xinwei even vomited blood.

hell!She forgot that the cactus thorns on Tu Baobao hadn't been removed, so she led her down!
I feel that today is really unlucky for the wicked, but if it continues, it will be too late and there are too few people in the playground, which will not be conducive to her acting.

Lu Xinwei had no choice but to put this matter aside first, and ordered the assistant sharply, "What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and get rid of the thorns on her body!"

The assistant is full of dissatisfaction. I didn't go upstairs with you just now. I don't know what stabbing is not...

But of course she didn't dare to refute Lu Xinwei, so she had to take the baby out of the car and let her take off her coat.

"Ah..." Under Tu Baobao's coat, there was a spike like a prickly pear, which made the assistant let out a low cry.

"How did this happen!"

Tu Baobao raised his obedient little face, and replied "honestly", "The neighbor's brother lost it."

There are so many bear kids now!

The assistant couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Tu Baobao, "You just let him bully you honestly? You won't beat me back?"

"...Ah?" Tu Baobao's small face was wrinkled in confusion, and the innocent and kind rabbit's eyes were full of bewilderment.

The assistant is sweating coldly, this is simply a little white rabbit... the kind that looks like it's being bullied and doesn't know how to fight back!
Lu Xinwei listened beside her, but sneered.

Heh, just like that Han Tian, ??????he is a wimp!Still want to bully back?I don't even want to see if they have that ability!
A sneer full of sarcasm and contempt sounded very uncomfortable.

But Tu Baobao turned his face away, admiringly and lovingly said, "Sister, you look so good when you smile!"

So Lu Xinwei was even more proud...

From childhood to adulthood, apart from Guan Xingrui, it's rare that she likes someone so much...

Now she finds Tu Baobao very pleasing to the eye, and even doesn't care about being pricked by the prickly prickly prick twice because of her just now...

The thorns of the golden tiger are relatively thick and strong, some thicker than toothpicks, so it is not particularly difficult to pick them off.

Five or six minutes later, the assistant finally removed all the thorns from the baby's body, sat in the driver's seat amidst Lu Xinwei's impatient orders, and drove them to the playground.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the playground...

"Oh my god, it's Lu Xinwei!"

Numerous surprise cheers made Lu Xinwei extremely proud, but her face was full of elegance and nobility, the attitude of an absolutely standard young lady.

"Isn't she in Ye Dao's production team?! Could it be that the production team came to shoot the scene?!"

"Ahhh... I can see the original wish!!!"

"Woooooh, Lei Yu! It's my birthday today! My male god will accompany me to celebrate my birthday!"

"Don't squeeze! I have a gift for Han Tian!"

Before the entrance, there was an instant chaos...

Everyone thought that the appearance of Lu Xinwei meant that the entire crew had come, so they would be able to see the person they liked right away...

Everyone is looking forward to it, no one will see Lu Xinwei again...

Lu Xinwei's face turned blue, and the mobile phone in her hand made a creaking sound...

The assistant was so frightened that she fell silent, afraid that if she was not careful, Lu Xinwei would take revenge on her.

Fortunately, with so many people, Lu Xinwei didn't slap a single slap because she was concerned about her image.

It's just that the expression seemed to be very elegant, but the voice said through gritted teeth, "What are you doing standing there, go find a restaurant!"

No matter how disgruntled her assistant was, she followed suit and immediately took them to the nearest kitty cat-themed restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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