my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 757 God pit-level little white rabbit

Chapter 757 God pit-level little white rabbit (1)

"You're not treating my sister well!" Tu Baobao's face was very serious, and he said in a childish voice, "It's wrong for you to do this!"

Pfft... This is the first time I heard such a cute accusation, only a child can be serious.

Although I wanted to laugh a little, the little waitress was also a little depressed.

Although she didn't even know each other, she really didn't want to make such a cute little guy unhappy!

Miss Lu Xinwei's temper exploded, and she wanted to scold the person who pushed the waiter so troublesomely just now that she didn't hit someone.

Seeing now that it was Tu Baobao who did it, and the intention was to vent her anger for her, Lu Xinwei couldn't say anything else.

But the anger in my heart has not dissipated, so I can only spread it on the waiter, pointing to the photo wall and questioning, "You left such a big space next to the original photo, but you put my photo in the corner?!"

That's not a corner's just that there's no open space next to it.

The waiter didn't expect her to be so fussy, but he could only despise her in his heart, "No, when Yuanyuan came, our store had just opened, and the wall was basically empty. Yuanyuan was not popular at that time, and the store was No one here knows her, and you see, this photo is not signed."

What she said was the truth. After hearing this, Lu Xinwei became less angry.

But she is used to being arrogant, always domineering, and looks like she will turn her face at any time.

The little waitress thought she still didn't believe her, so she continued to explain carefully, "Really, you believe me, as for the signatures next to Yuanyuan's photo, it's because Yuanyuan suddenly became popular. I heard that there is her name on this wall. A lot of people came here to eat, and quickly filled up the photo, it really wasn’t the place we specially reserved.”

she said the wrong thing...

Because the most unacceptable thing for Lu Xinwei is the speed of becoming popular like the original wish...

Her face turned livid in an instant, and she was about to lose her temper again.

But outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the restaurant, there were two consecutive flashes of car lights on and off. This was a signal from a familiar entertainment reporter, indicating that Lu Xinwei and the others had arrived and were about to take pictures.

Lu Xinwei had no choice but to bear it again.

Today's succession of incidents gave her a headache, so hurry up and finish taking photos, so as not to cause further troubles!
Tu Baobao turned his head to look out of the window as if his eyes had been flashed, raised his little hand, and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

When he let go, the little guy seemed unhappy again.

She said to the waiter seriously, "But my sister is the most beautiful! Compared with what you just said..." The little guy seemed to be unable to remember the name of the original wish, so he skipped over, "Beautiful! You should be the most beautiful to your sister. Okay, put my sister's photo in a very good place!"

The waitress girl: "..."

Kid, you are really cute...but your problematic. (/ □ \)
Original wish is much prettier than Lu Xinwei!And the original wish two is so interesting!
For the sake of taking pictures, Lu Xinwei went back to their table and brought back a piece of strawberry mousse and a glass of strawberry milk, pretending to feed it to Baby Tu.

Because Tu Baobao kept saying that she was more beautiful than original wish, the "kind" smile on her face was rarely seen as real.

But Tu Baobao refused the temptation of delicious food, because the waiter didn't speak for a long time, the little guy seemed really upset, he squeezed his fist, and waved hard, "I..."

(End of this chapter)

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