my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 763 When a Rabbit Meets a Love Rival

Chapter 763 When a Rabbit Meets a Love Rival (1)

However, Han Tian still had the most standard rabbit expression on his face.

And as if he was used to being yelled at by others, he was not frightened when he heard Xu Tianda's sudden high-pitched questioning voice, but just lowered his head submissively, "Are you... are you Mr. Xu from Tianshun Real Estate?"

Xu Tianda's company has developed many real estate projects in City A, and they are considered local celebrities.

But when he found out that Han Tian could tell his company's name, Xu Tianda seemed to panic for a moment, as if he thought it was incredible.

But it was still the same as last time, he quickly covered up this emotion, and still said in a domineering tone, "Yes!"

Han Tian lowered his head, and said in a more obedient voice, "Then... can you do me a favor?"

Xu Tianda snorted and refused, "No!"

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left.

It's just that the footsteps are too hasty, and it looks like they are running away.

In terms of speed, of course no one can compare to a rabbit...

Especially Han Tian has long legs, he seems to be walking slowly, but every step he takes is much bigger than Xu Tianda's steps...

Han Tian easily chased after Xu Tianda, "I just want you to keep some things for me. You sell houses, so you have a place to put them... other big real estate developers in city A, like the Yan family... I dare not find them. .”

Han Tian spoke vaguely, as if he was talking about something very shameful.

When ordinary people hear this, they will intuitively think of the troublesome things that break the law, and they will refuse without hesitation.

But Xu Tianda was stunned for a moment, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, but he pretended to be embarrassed and said, "This..."

Han Tian didn't speak, and silently... grabbed his sleeve.

The veins on Xu Tianda's forehead twitched wildly. Seeing this cute little movement, he thought of that Tu Baobao who gave him a stainless steel inner carrot just now...

The tooth seems to be hurting more...

Xu Tianda subconsciously covered his mouth, only to realize that he had forgotten to keep his mouth shut when he was talking to Han Tian just now, and now blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth.

You don't need to look in the mirror to know that his current image must be horrible.

... I x!
Xu Tianda cursed viciously in his heart again.

"Okay, I'll help you with this!" He agreed to Han Tian without further delay.

Xu Tianda sneered in his heart, hehe, this "help" is for me!
I didn't dare to play tricks for you, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid that you would come to your door yourself!
I want to see, what are you going to XZ with me!

When your handle falls into my hands, the fate of your family of three will be in my hands!

"Where are things?" Xu Tianda grinned strangely, squinting at Han Tian.

Han Tian seemed completely unaware of Xu Tianda's calculations, and obediently pointed to the car on the side of the road, "It's all in the trunk."

Xu Tianda looked at the side of the road, and his heart trembled slightly.

It was a white Audi Q5, the make and model were not uncommon, but...

This car has been modified!

And judging by his unprofessional eyes, with this level of modification, this car can be used as an armored car...

What the hell did Han Tian put in the car?
Could it be military fire?
Xu Tianda was not that capable, he couldn't touch this, and his palms were sweating.

But when he thinks of the huge benefits he can get if he gets this done...

 Xu Tianda fought hard, pretending to be nonchalant and ordering Han Tian——

(End of this chapter)

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