my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 765 When a Rabbit Wants to Trick People...

Chapter 765 When a Rabbit Wants to Trick People... (1)

Xu Tianda loosened his hand and finally opened the lid of the box completely.

At the same time as the loud noise exploded, something bright orange shot up from the box.


Xu Tianda yelled in horror, his legs were so frightened that he fell to the ground, and before he could get up in time, he crawled out desperately in embarrassment.

Fried, fried!
It's really a military fire that was released by Han Tian!Now they are exploding!

To die, and to be blown to pieces... Such fear made Xu Tianda's hands and feet start to twitch, but he was still crawling desperately.

His driver and bodyguard, who was outside the door, was also startled by the loud noise.

But because of Xu Tianda's order, he didn't dare to rush in rashly, so he could only keep asking, "Boss, boss? How are you?"

The one-story house was huge, and Xu Tianda's head was buzzing, and he even crawled to the door, but he didn't hear the call from his subordinates.

Hearing the weird rubbing sound, the driver gradually approached the door, and the more he heard it, the more creepy he felt.

What the hell is it?
...actually that's his twitching, crawling boss...

Fearing that Xu Tianda was really in danger and had already been plotted against, the driver hesitated to the end, and then ruthlessly slammed into the door.

Finally crawling to the door, trembling, Xu Tianda, who managed to half prop up his body... was knocked into the air with a bang.

He fell backwards a few steps, hitting the open box, and...
"Ah??????" Xu Tianda screamed, his body twitched desperately as if he had just been shot...

Out of the corner of the driver's eye, he could only see the sudden orange light, plus the current state of his boss...

I x!Someone is fighting!
What just exploded!
The driver immediately squatted down with his head in his arms, trying to avoid accidental injury from stray bullets.

"Bang bang bang bang"!
There were repeated explosions, Xu Tianda screamed, and the driver rolled and fled for his life, the sound of knocking over messy things along the way made the scene even more chaotic and terrifying.

The two screamed and rolled for a long time... The driver slammed his head against the door with a bang.

Gritting his teeth in pain and scolding_Mother, he finally calmed down a bit and realized... Was it really an explosion?
Why is there nothing abnormal except for the constant popping sound?

And the temperature is normal, and there is no smell of burning smoke in the air?
Xu Tianda's driver had the courage to turn around...and then he was about to blow himself up.

"Boss, boss!" He rushed over immediately, pulled up Xu Tianda who was frothing in fright, and shook his shoulder vigorously to let him see the situation behind him clearly.

Xu Tianda just took one look and woke up...

I x!

He was about to go mad with anger, pointing to the open box, standing... no, that floating thing, his hands were shaking with anger.

It was half a man tall with a lively and friendly smile...a carrot balloon!

It also has blingbling orange sequins on it, which is shining!

And beside that balloon, every time there was a "bang", a clean and juicy carrot would bounce out from the bottom of the box, make a small half circle in the air, and then fall back down.

The bottom of the box is like a big spring bed, when the carrot falls, it will bounce up again...

In the sky above the box, carrots are jumping and dancing, it looks really... The farmer uncle has a good harvest...

What a scene of a children's paradise.

What the hell... I got a big x!

(End of this chapter)

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