my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 775 Natural 2 vs Cute Black

Chapter 775 Natural Two vs Cute Black (1)

"You're a bad guy" is obviously useless in front of a certain uncle...

Uncle, of course he is caring and sympathetic, but it's all on the original wish, and others want to share some?
no talk...

A certain rabbit had to come up with another solution??????

"Then I'll take care of him tonight."

A certain uncle did not speak, but when the badminton flew towards him again, he waved his hand and tore off the two rabbit ears stuck on the ball...

So finally nothing like a rabbit was beaten.

Knowing that he agreed, but feeling that he was still being bullied by a certain rabbit: "..."

Turning around and leaving silently, after walking two steps, Han Tian suddenly came back, but he didn't want to talk to Yuan Yuan or Guan Xingrui, but went straight forward, heading straight for the back door of the villa leading to the kitchen.

The bodyguards looked at it strangely, so they used a mentality of watching small animals... Curiously followed behind Han Tian.

What on earth is he going to do?

Han Tian often came to Yuanyuan's house recently, and when he entered the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator door familiarly, picked up the small basket of carrots inside, gave them a very resentful look, turned and left.

The bodyguards twitched violently, looking at his back petrifiedly.

Is this... the meaning of "You are all bad guys, I won't play with you"!

Otherwise, why would he take away the carrots he just delivered yesterday!

Really... What a cute and unhappy rabbit...

But that night, those who were unhappy became their original wishes.

Because she was called to the restaurant outside, she only had dinner tonight, and no two or two to play.

Not interesting.

Yuan Yuan frowned, looking unhappy.

However, Lu Xinwei's father, who didn't seem to know how to read people's faces, spouted a lot of compliments, boasting that the real person is more beautiful than the one on TV.

As a result, Yuan Yuan looked cheerful and outgoing. He said a lot, but Yuan Yuan didn't respond at all.

Father Lu couldn't help being a little impatient, and the expression on his face became a lot colder, "Miss Yuan is a smart person, she must understand what I mean."

Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, the chopsticks that were supposed to carry vegetables stopped in the air for a long time, then he seemed to suddenly realize something and finally became happy.

"Understood~~~" Yuanyuan's voice was happy.

Father Lu smiled contemptuously, and was about to ask Yuan Yuan to make an offer, when Yuan Yuan happily said??????

"You like Er Er~"

A mouthful of blood choked his throat...

Father Lu's face turned blue, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

He is different from Lu Xinwei, not only has a good background, he is also in charge of a part of the Lu family's business, with financial resources and influence.

So when you get angry like this, not only the roar is shocking, but also a kind of...

The arrogance and viciousness of "I can kill you in a minute"...

Yuan Yuan seemed to be stunned by the roar, and his face seemed to be completely frozen due to excessive shock.

Father Lu's anger subsided a little, and he smiled contemptuously again.

But even a little broken star who has never seen the world dares to make fun of him!

Yuan Yuan blinked his eyes, looked at him for a long time, and then picked up the phone in surprise, "Wait for me, I will make a note!"

"It turned out to be like this..."

With a sigh of emotion, Yuan Yuan diligently typed and took notes while explaining, "I heard before that some girls are thin-skinned and stubborn, and refuse to admit that they have someone they like, and they are found out. And get angry..."

(End of this chapter)

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