my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 786 Those who come to make soy sauce today are all strongmen

Chapter 786 Those who come to make soy sauce today are all strongmen (2)

The off-the-charts twins discover they're both smart enough to be of no use to each other.

"Love is really a problem." Xiao Yi sighed and summed it up old-fashionedly.

Master Rui thought it was true.

The two brothers glanced at each other, each raised their glasses, clinked them emotionally, raised their heads, and drank a whole glass of...milk.

After drinking the milk, the two little guys went back to sleep...

But when passing by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the balcony...

Little Master Rui looked at his own face vaguely reflected in the glass, and found a problem——

I still look good.

So it must be the wrong way for me to chase people.

Little Master Rui thought so deeply.

So he changed his mind, instead of going back to sleep, he turned to his father and asked him about his experience in chasing people.

Master Rui likes his father very much... He thinks his father is the same as his mother, everything is good.

So Xiao Wuna has always thought that he is a good family who has never touched a girl... a virgin, but suddenly one day, he finds out that his son can really play soy sauce...

And since his son is so old, he still has to climb through countless pits before he can get his status and marry Liang Liang back home...

In the eyes of the whole rough process of marrying a wife, there is no problem at all in the eyes of Mr. Rui...

He firmly believes that his father is the most powerful and his mother is the best, so such a powerful father has chased such a good mother, it must be because his father is especially good at chasing people.

So he went to learn from Xiao Wu.

The first question asked was what gift did Xiao Wu give Liangliang.

Xiao Wu felt that he had a lot of experience on this issue, and immediately discussed it with his son happily.

Liangliang didn't know that her godlike son was also in love...

Otherwise, she wouldn't let Xiao Wukeng's son go...

Regarding the matter of giving gifts to his wife, Xiao Wu’s point of view is to give something that is really thoughtful, absolutely unique, something that his wife likes very much, and that can be used.

The idea is absolutely correct.

It's just that there is a little problem in the cognition of details.

Liang Liang didn't want to tell others what gift she received on Valentine's Day this year... If she took out that kind of thing, she might be arrested by the police uncle because it was too inharmonious .

Normally at this time, Liangliang can complain to Xiaoyi while eating ice cream, but these days his son is worrying about relationship issues, and most of the time he shuts himself in the room.

The second brother and Ranran don't live in the mansion, the little girl from Yao's family has an exam tomorrow, Yan Yaoxie will accompany her back to bed early, and the fourth brother will accompany Xiao Jing back to her mother's house... Xiao Liu hasn't completely dealt with his wife yet, and the next few days One is not yet married, and of course his girlfriend doesn't live in a mansion.

Liangliang wandered around the house, and finally found someone who could accompany her to complain in Young Master Yan's territory.

"This year's Valentine's Day, what gift did the boss give you?" Liang Liang asked her good friend and sister-in-law-to-be who she had known since childhood, Yan Yan.

Yan Yan was taken aback, "Valentine's Day?"

"..." Liangliang took a bite of the apple and looked at the sky in confusion.

I almost forgot, Yan Yan is very familiar with modern times because he traveled here when he was a child, but he doesn't know about Valentine's Day.

Because the boss is going to give gifts, strict, words, gifts, and things in a legitimate manner without being discovered on this day!

That boring_sao.

(End of this chapter)

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