Chapter 102 Guilty
Yun Wu was also angry, and couldn't help retorting: "The uncle means that you must give grandma 3000 taels of silver? Uncle, people's hearts are not enough to swallow like snakes. After the first time, there must be a second time and a second time." Three times! If you do this, grandma and Rao's family won't be grateful to you, but they will feel that it should be done, and that you are being taken advantage of!"

"You bastard, how dare you say that about your elders? Do you think that, as an uncle, I wouldn't dare to beat you?" Rao Shouqin was so ashamed and disgraced by his nephew's words.

Yu Wu did not show any weakness, and simply put his face on it: "You hit? Hurry up, I will never fight back! However, as long as you dare to fight back, I promise you will never recognize you as a fool when you come back. Dad!"

With a few words, Rao Shouqin was so angry that he almost fainted.

This, this is his nephew who has loved him for more than ten years?No way?Big ya er ya, you won't deny him, will you?
Da Ya's idea is: write a letter to Rao's second son in Pan's name, telling him that he has got 3000 taels of silver, and then he will hurry back and take it away, lest the boss will go back on his word.When Rao's second son came back, he would really give him 3000 taels of silver notes. Of course, Rao Shouqin couldn't get out the 3000 taels of silver notes.

Moreover, regarding these loans, there is also a hidden mystery, which is a hole dug for Rao's second child.At that time, if all goes well, grandma Pan's dream will be completely shattered in the end, and she will completely see that Rao's second child's family cannot be relied on!From now on, Mrs. Pan will gradually clear the fog and see clearly those so-called filial sons and grandchildren around her.

If this is the case, the suffering of the big girl's family will come to an end!
The uncle didn't cooperate, but Yun Wu was in a hurry. For the first time in his life, he spoke rudely to the uncle: "Uncle, are you confused? Let me tell you, if the matter of 3000 taels is not resolved, it is impossible for the aunt to do it." Come back! Da Ya Er Ya, even going east to west, will be separated from you! When the time comes, you just wait for your wife and children to disperse!"

When you get angry, you don't use the honorifics, and your tone and expression are completely admonishing.Moreover, he was actually confident.

Rao Shouzhuo at the side couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this, and gave Yun Wu a hard look: "Go away, no matter how big or small, how do you talk to the elders?" He scolded his elder brother for being pedantic, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He sat his elder brother on a chair and had a long and heart-to-heart talk with him for a whole afternoon.

After much difficulty, Rao Shouqin was finally persuaded.

Yun Wu was happier than anyone else: "It's so good, I will go to Yangliu County tomorrow and take the message to Rao's second child!"

The two brothers Rao Shouzhuo couldn't help but twitch their mouths at the same time: Second Rao?Shame, the impression of the second brother (second brother) in the children's minds seems to have fallen to the bottom. Look at this child, Yunwu, who is unwilling to even call him second uncle, and even calls him "Rao's second".

Alas, what a tragedy for Lao Rao's family!I don't know if the second brother (second brother) knows, what will be in his mind?Ashamed, or angry?Or, is it resentment?

Rao Shouzhuo thought for a while, then worriedly said: "Yun Wu, if you go in person, will your second uncle's family not believe it? Or, just find someone your second uncle's family doesn't know? That's good, Why don't you just ask the people from the Escort Bureau to go, from Hulu County to Yangliu County, just send a letter, ten taels of silver is enough!"

"Well, that's right. Anyway, if you make a trip by yourself, the accommodation and food along the way will add up to at least three taels of silver. Besides, it's not very safe for you to go out alone, and your parents and I don't feel at ease. !” Rao Shouqin also hurriedly dissuaded him.

Yun Wu grinned, and said nonchalantly: "Father, uncle, how old am I? Going to see the outside world can also gain a little knowledge, right? As for the safety issue, don't worry, I will go to the hospital before going. Go to the mountain. At that time, those boys will probably yell to follow me, and the big girl may also go! Everyone is a person who knows martial arts, so don't worry!"

The two couldn't agree with him, so they had to ask Cheng to pack a bag for him, gave him 20 taels of silver, and reluctantly sent him to the ox cart together.

"Boy, you must be careful when you go out! You can bear it if you can, and don't force yourself to provoke those who can't afford it!" Rao Shouzhuo waved his hand and warned.

"Go early and come back early, mother will wait for your safe return!" Cheng kept wiping away tears.

Rao Shouqin looked up at the sky, and hurriedly urged: "Okay, let the child go early, go to the mountains today to have a good rest, and tomorrow we have to go a long way!" Then he stuffed a purse into Yunwu's hand, and then Involuntarily, he slapped the cow's butt with a branch.

"Moo..." The big buffalo raised its head and let out a cry, gently raised its four hooves, and walked forward happily.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Yun Wu took the time to open her purse and saw that there were two silver ingots of five taels and a silver bill of ten taels.The circles of his eyes couldn't help turning red. Uncle's money is very tight these days, and this money should be the payment from Mo Xiangzhai that uncle just received yesterday afternoon.

Before lunch, the cloud and mist came to the mountain.

"What? Are you going to deliver a letter to Rao's second child yourself?" Da Ya was a little surprised.

Yun Wu smiled, and said with certainty: "Exactly! How about you go with me, as a way to relax? The scenery in Yangliu County is better than that in Hulu County. The most famous one is a Hubo, there are thousands of acres of lotus ponds, and ten miles of willow banks!"

When Da Ya heard this, she was immediately tempted: "Wow, it's so beautiful! Go, you must go, you must go! How about this, you will stay on the mountain tonight, and tomorrow morning we will go down the mountain together!"

Before Yunwu had time to return, a noisy voice rang in his ears, the loudest one was Xiaohan: "How can this be done? The big sisters are gone, I want to go too, I have to protect the big sister sister!"

Tan Hai's voice immediately overshadowed Xiao Han's: "You are still young, maybe you have to protect you by your big sister! If you want to go, I will go, you just stay here with Xiao Shitou!"

Xiao Shitou immediately quit: "I don't want anyone to accompany me, I want to protect Big Sister, you can't leave me alone!"

When Xiao Shitou's grandma heard this, she panicked, and quickly hugged her grandson tightly: "Oh, Xiao Shitou, how old are you, why are you joining in the fun? You can't follow, if you also go down the mountain How lonely and lonely it is to leave grandma here? Could it be that you are willing to make grandma sad? "

Little Shitou pouted and said aggrievedly: "Grandma, I want to go out with my brothers and sisters. I'm seven years old and I've grown up!"

Grandma hurriedly and patiently persuaded: "Little Shitou, you are good, brother Yunwu and the others are going to do big things, very important big things, and it's inconvenient to take you there, maybe you will drag them down and make them unable to complete it." task, that would be bad!"

He also promised: "That's good, when you turn eight years old, that is, one year later, grandma will ask your father to send you to the academy in Fucheng! Fucheng is a good place, it is bigger than the county town, and it is also much more prosperous! The academies there are also very big and beautiful, none of the ten academies you visited last time are as big as the academies in Fucheng!"

Xiao Shitou was a little tempted by what he said, so he hurriedly went to see Da Ya: "Sister, what grandma said is true, didn't you lie to me?"

Da Ya nodded vigorously naturally: "Of course, how could grandma lie to you? Don't worry, you will go to the academy in Fucheng next year, and my sister will send you there in person! But, you won't be able to go with me tomorrow, you know? ?”

"I know, Xiao Shitou promises not to cry!" Xiao Shitou nodded hastily, and he has always trusted Da Ya's sister's words unconditionally.

Xiaohan suddenly remembered something, and excitedly proposed: "I have heard people mention that Yangliu County. It seems that eating mushrooms has just emerged in that place. It is not a mountainous area. Mushrooms and medlars must be in short supply. Why don't we Once you go there, take the mushrooms and goji berries, etc., and sell them there, right?"

When Shuisheng heard it, he immediately smiled approvingly: "Well, it's a good idea! During this time, everyone has picked a lot of mushrooms and goji berries, among which brothers Tan Hai and Xiaohan are the most. I think if they can be sold in Yangliu County , just the two of them can earn around twenty taels of silver!"

"Well, it should be possible!" Tan Hai smiled honestly, the joy and excitement in his heart were almost overflowing.The original decision to stay in the mountains was indeed the right one!
Both my family and my fifth uncle's family have very little land, and each family only has one mu of medium-sized paddy field and three mu of medium-sized dry land.In addition to paying taxes, the grain grown is enough for the family to eat.In the area of ​​Shanqian Village, few paddy fields would be sold unless they were asking for money in an emergency.Therefore, even though seven years have passed, the two families only bought one mu of paddy fields.As for the dry land, it was obtained by their own land reclamation, which is the worst kind of wasteland that the villagers don't want.

The main source of income for Uncle Wu's family, besides the production in the fields, is wages and dividends from the farm, and money from selling goji berries, mushrooms and medicinal materials.In addition, there is also a small pastry workshop that cooperates with Da Ya's family.And the source of income of the family is worse than that of the fifth uncle's family, and there is no dividend from the farm.

Fortunately, Dad was a good hunter before, and he himself learned martial arts from Master Wang. From time to time, the father and son would go into the mountains with the hunters nearby.Every year, the money earned from hunting is no less than the dividends that Uncle Wu earns from the breeding farm.The living standards of the two families can be regarded as upper-middle level in Shanqian Village.

Because the fields are scarce, before he went up the mountain with his younger brother Xiaohan, eldest sister Chunlai, and Yunwu last time, the elders in the family told him and his younger brother not to rush home, even when the busy farming season came.Stay on the mountain and spend more time with Gu Yu, and when Da Ya returns, she will follow her back.Keep
Originally, he was very hesitant. The busy farming season is coming soon. As the eldest son of the family, he is also strong and strong. How can he make the elders of the family suffer?But I stayed in this mountain and lived my life leisurely. How can there be such a reason? It is really inappropriate.

However, Da Ya persuaded him to stay, telling him: "This is a remote mountain that is inaccessible. There are more mushrooms, goji berries and medicinal materials than other places, and the quality is much better. If you stay, you can go to pick mushrooms every day." Picking goji berries and digging up medicinal materials, and selling them back at that time, it will definitely be a big harvest!"

Tan Hai was persuaded immediately, and stayed on the mountain with his younger brother Xiaohan for twenty days.In the past [-] days, the mushrooms, goji berries and medicinal materials picked by the brothers and Gu Yu were dried and in good condition, and they were packed into several sacks.

These sacks were purchased by the two brothers and Shui Sheng when they went down the mountain to the market together.That time, a total of fifty sacks were bought.The dried mushrooms, dried goji berries and dried medicinal materials of Shuishengjia, Dayajia and Shancha also packed several sacks respectively.Among them, dried mushrooms are mostly dried tea tree mushrooms.

(End of this chapter)

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