Chapter 207 Proposal 2
Several troublemakers were caught by Shui Qingqian, and hung on the big tree at the entrance of the school one by one, as a warning to others.The somewhat chaotic team quieted down immediately, and a few timid and lazy people quietly found an opportunity to slip away.

Ouch, my mother, the owner of this house is so scary!If his servants make mistakes or are lazy, will they be hung up too?It's terrible, it's really terrible, I'd rather go up the mountain every now and then to chop firewood and jump to the town to sell it for something to make ends meet, rather than being a guard or nurse!

At the front of the line, a table was set up, and Xiao Han and Meng Dongfeng sat behind the table to register the names, ages and home addresses of the applicants.Xiang Xi and Shui Qingqian observed everyone's words and deeds, and those who behaved frivolously, had wandering eyes, and lacked energy, both of them would mark them down in the small book.

These people were mercilessly eliminated at the first checkpoint!It doesn't matter who comes to plead.A "sister" who has a good relationship with Liu Xiangchun, she accompanied her son to apply for the job, and when she saw her son was dismissed, she begged Liu Xiangchun to come and intercede.

Liu Xiangchun considered herself to be the mother-in-law of the host family, and she was very confident. When the man asked, she immediately agreed.When she came to the recruitment site, she said to Xiaohan carelessly: "Xiaohan, this is my aunt's good sister. Her son is actually very good, strong and strong, and has good conduct. Just give my aunt some face and accept him! "

"Auntie! Did you make a mistake?" Xiaohan kept in mind Da Ya's advice, no matter who came to intercede, don't show any sympathy. He widened his eyes and said unceremoniously: "Auntie, could it be that you are dazzled?" No? Her son is indeed strong and strong, but who doesn't know it, her precious son knows that her precious son is lazy and greedy, and also likes to stir up wind and rain, provoke Divorce. Not only that, but you can't control your own hands and like to take other people's things! Such a person is also called a good character?"

"You kid, you have some small flaws. How can you say so badly about him? His mother is my good sister. I know better than you how he is! I'm your aunt , if you still recognize me as an aunt, just listen to my aunt this time and accept him! At most, I won’t come to intercede for others in the future!”

Liu Xiangchun was actually a little startled, but her nephew swept her face in public, which made her very uncomfortable, so she had to stare at her nephew and forcefully argued.Today, this face is very important to earn, otherwise, she will have no prestige in the village in the future!
She thinks beautifully, and feels that Xiaohan has been a good boy since he was a child, and has always been very respectful to her aunt.Today, she oppresses him as an elder, and he will definitely listen to her.

Unexpectedly, Xiaohan rebuffed flatly: "No! This recruitment is not just for fun. These people will either join the guards or the nursing home team in the future. This character is as hardworking as it is, but the key! This person He has a bad character, is lazy, and is particularly afraid of death, how can such a person be a personal guard or a nursing home?"

Seeing his aunt's displeasure, Xiaohan quickly gave an example: "For example, if this person is Ning Yuan's nursing home, and suddenly one day a bad guy attacks Ning Yuan, this kind of person will definitely run faster than anyone else. Auntie, what do you say?" At that time, if there is only such a nursing home by your side, and even he has run away, what should you do? At that time, what will you do? No, such a person is absolutely not!"

When Liu Xiangchun heard what Xiaohan said, he immediately hesitated, thinking that what Xiaohan said was really reasonable.It's just that, thinking that she is the mother of the dignified big boss's family, she doesn't even have the right to speak in recruiting a nursing home, so she is really useless!Although I agree with Xiaohan's words in my heart, I am very upset after all.The resentment and dissatisfaction with Da Ya has increased.

"This daughter is here to punish me! What a crime, she was born to collect debts!" ​​Facing Xiaohan's righteous and lingering eyes, Liu Xiangchun didn't have the face to stay any longer, so she could only mutter this sentence , turned around and left angrily.

After this incident, those who want to intercede have to stop!
It's useless for someone's mother to intercede, let alone someone else?Those who are sensible, naturally die down, and press down their little thoughts.However, no matter when, no matter where, there are always some very ignorant people who are thicker than the city wall.

It's useless to plead for mercy, so I just roll around and yell.

Xiaohan had no choice but to ask Shui Qingqian for help.

Unfortunately, Shui Qingqian happened to be back home, and after hearing Xiao Han's plea for help, she hurried back to the elementary school.A ruthless, cold look swept over: "Troublemakers, send them to the Yamen!"

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked!
Those who said they were going to be sent to the yamen were indeed sent to the yamen, and those who wanted to make trouble were scared to death and fled in a hurry.

Oops, my mother!It is said that the husband of Daya Rao in Shanqian Village is the grandson of the emperor. I used to think it was a rumor, but now it seems to be true!Otherwise, how can ordinary people have such tolerance and deterrent power?

The scene was quiet, and those who stayed behind lined up obediently. Those who were selected happily went to the designated classroom and sat down, waiting for the host's arrangement.The people who were brushed off did not dare to play around anymore. Although they were unwilling, they honestly left Shanqian Village under the supervision of several members of the Shanqian Village Protection Team.

There were as many as a thousand people who came to sign up, and a total of 300 people were selected in the end.There is no way, these 300 people are all young and strong, with clean family backgrounds.Moreover, at first glance, they all seem to be honest and responsible.After hearing Xiangxi's report, Da Ya simply decided to recruit 300 people, planning to expand the academy, kiln and Xiangdong's personal guards.

Moreover, for Tan Hai, Yunwu and Yunshan, each choose a personal guard team consisting of ten people.Before, she was negligent and forgot these three people.She felt very ashamed, knowing that whether it was Tan Hai, Yun Wu, or Yun Shan, they were all good brothers of hers, who had given her a lot of warmth and strength in the past.

By the way, my grandma's family lives in Houshan, and there is no neighbor besides Shuisheng's family.In case something happens, no one in the village knows and cannot rescue in time.We also need to add a team of nurses, preferably ten people, to protect the grandma's family and patrol the farm.

In this way, 300 people were admitted in the primary election, which is just right!After one month of training, there will be an assessment, and 200 people will be selected; after two months of training, there will be another assessment, and 150 people will be selected; after the three-month training period, those who pass the assessment again will be the ones who can finally stay .

The primary school in the village has been taken over by Da Ya, and those children from unscrupulous families who once wantonly insulted and framed Da Ya and Shui Qingqian have been excluded. There are still 56 students enrolled in the school, including 31 students from the village. 25 students from nearby villages came to the attached school.

"Among the 25 people, those who have various relatives with those unscrupulous families should be investigated one by one. If these families are very close to those unscrupulous families in the village, and these families have a bad family style, and the children are not If you are kind and simple, then you will be resolutely expelled without showing any kindness!"

Da Ya gave an order to Chu Qi, Zhen Xing's bodyguard.She felt that her heart was getting harder and harder. After so many ups and downs, she had less and less potential to be a bad person.Anyone who does something wrong must pay the due price, which she deeply believes.

If you don't show off your prestige and rectify the atmosphere in the school, I'm afraid the shameless villains in Shanqian Village will think of her as a scumbag, as a fool, as the number one fool in the world!

"Yes, Chu Qi obeys the order and promises to complete the task!" Chu Qi respectfully complied, and immediately took the order and left.

My master is the most vigorous and resolute in handling things, and I don't like to procrastinate.Chu Qi has been by her side for several months, and under the influence of her and Zhen Xing, she is more agile in dealing with people than before.

"Xiangxi, the academy hasn't been built yet, and school won't start until July (the seventh month of the lunar calendar, that is, autumn). Or, you can take care of the elementary school for a while?" Big Ya discussed with Xiangxi.

Xiang Xi said straightforwardly: "Okay, anyway, I have nothing to do now, so let's pick up this burden! There are 56 people, and if you choose handsomely, there will only be two classes at most. Master, I happen to have a suitable candidate , let me tell you and see if it is appropriate?"

"Okay! I was about to tell you about the matter of finding a wife, so I will leave it to you to take care of it!" Da Ya said with a cheerful smile.

Now Xiangxi has more and more tacit understanding with her, and the siblings seem to have relived their happy childhood.The previous estrangement and unhappiness gradually dissipated invisible, and the relationship between the siblings is very harmonious.

"Okay, big sister, don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me!" Xiangxi said with a smile: "In Lishuwan, ten miles away, I have a classmate Guan Yaozu, who was a scholar in my year, and his ranking is very high. That’s right. However, because of my poor family background, I don’t have much interest in becoming an official. The reason why I went to take the examination of scholar is similar to my elder brother’s original intention. Taxes and all kinds of corvee and military service.”

"Oh? So that's how it is. There are people who have such a realm and awareness? By the way, how is this person's character?" When Da Ya heard this, her interest suddenly increased.There are many sour scholars in this world, but those who won the prize but are not fascinated by the prize are really rare!
"His character is very good, he is a person with a sense of justice, he is very loving to his parents and family, and he never does anything unconscionable. Moreover, this person is very able to endure hardships. Well done and the main work force in the family."

When Xiang Xi said this, he couldn't help sighing: "After the war and severe drought, the life of the family is very miserable. Now, the family of five basically relies on him to go to the mountains to cut firewood, and sell the money to buy some food for the family."

After hearing what Xiang Xi said, Da Ya was quite satisfied, and immediately made a decision: "This person is really good, let's hire him as the teacher of the primary school, and visit his home when you have time! If he is willing, You can bring the whole family here, and distribute the chrysanthemum garden to their family! As for the monthly payment, let’s just five taels a month, do you think it’s feasible?”

Chrysanthemum Garden is an independent house in the primary school. It has a kitchen, study, bathroom and bathroom, which is very convenient.In the four corners of the courtyard, there are also a crabapple tree, a pomegranate tree, a plum tree, and a peach tree.The scenery is pretty good.

Xiangxi nodded: "Well, five taels is a lot. As long as you don't spend it indiscriminately, in this rural area, you have three taels of silver a month, even if you eat white rice every day, eat meat every now and then, and have new clothes all year round." It's enough to wear it!"

Sister, you are still too kind.You know, the masters of Qingshan Academy in the county seat have the highest monthly payment of only ten taels.As for the master with ten taels of money per month, he is a Jinshi in the second list, and an old master with extremely rich teaching experience.There is an enlightened teacher in Shanqian Village Elementary School, she will give you five taels, which is really kind.If anyone continues to gossip and say that the eldest sister is a cruel person, he will definitely go up and tear his mouth open!

Maybe it's because of the tacit understanding between the twins. Xiang Xi just thought that the master of Qingshan Academy, who pays ten taels a month, is a second-ranked Jinshi, so she tentatively asked: "Xiang Xi, your brother-in-law decided to take part in the examination in the spring of next year. Do you want to take the exam again? There is still one year to go, if you study hard, you will definitely be able to enter the second-class exam, and strive to become a second-ranked Jinshi, my eldest sister is very optimistic about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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