Chapter 25 Steamed Bun
"Father, this place is too open, and it's next to the mountain. It's scary at night. I'd better spend some money to hire a few people, and quickly fix the thorn fence. If any wild beasts come down the mountain in the middle of the night, it will be terrible!" Da Ya gave Rao Shouqin three hundred copper coins.

Rao Shouqin took the copper plate, put on brand new cloth shoes, and went out to find someone.

"Big girl, you can do whatever you want, mother, go open a vegetable field and grow vegetables!" Liu Xiangchun took a hoe and went to the vegetable field in the backyard to open up wasteland.

Xiangdong looked at Daya, and asked his sister for advice: "I will go with Xiangxi to pick toon leaves, and you and Erya will go dig wild vegetables?"

Da Ya nodded and smiled: "Today add [-] catties of Chinese toon. Shopkeeper Su said that Jicui Building has a semi-colon in the county, and Chinese toon cakes are very popular in the county! Remember, you must pick the tender ones!"

The two brothers naturally responded with a smile, and each carried a brand new backpack and went up the mountain.Only then did Da Ya hold Er Ya's hand, and the two sisters each carried a bamboo basket and came to the field.

The fields in March are full of greenery, the river is rushing, and the birds are jumping and singing happily on the branches.The face of the sun is red, the bright sunshine is shining on the earth, and the wild vegetables are mixed with the green weeds, which is so gratifying.

The wild bitter wheat was swaying in the spring breeze, and the eldest girl was overjoyed, and hurriedly called her sister: "Erya, give me your little hoe, dig this bitter wheat by the roots, and let mother plant it in the vegetable patch in the backyard!"

Erya obediently handed the small hoe to the eldest sister: "Bitter wheat vegetables? Is it very bitter?"

Da Ya smiled with a good temper: "It's not very bitter. If you boil it with boiling water, it will taste delicious. Moreover, bitter wheat vegetables can clear away heat and detoxify, and are rich in nutrition, which is very good for the body!"

In Daya's memory, bitter wheat is a kind of wild vegetable, and people in Shanqian Village did not grow it.Erya knows better than Daya. Hearing what my sister said, I was very happy: "Hey, there is another wild vegetable that can be eaten! Now, our family will never be hungry!"

Sweat dripping, this little girl is addicted to eating wild vegetables?

When I got home, Auntie had already cultivated a small vegetable field, and the aunt had a lot to say, so Aniang agreed to plant wild vegetables in the vegetable field: "Okay, I will set aside half for you, what do you like to grow?" Everything works!"

There are a lot of pebbles and weeds in the backyard, she finally cleared a small piece, and originally wanted to plant some eggplants and cabbages.Da Ya, this girl doesn't know what's going on today, she's very stubborn, and she's all about planting wild vegetables.

Days, a month has passed in a flash.

According to Daya's wishes, more than 100 honeysuckle trees were planted on the small barren mountain, and rows of neat and orderly soybeans were planted in the gaps.Both the small barren mountain and the house have two "defense lines": the first line is thorns; the second line is bamboo bushes.

The thorns and bamboo were all transplanted from the mountains by hired people, and it cost a total of one tael of silver. Rao Shouqin felt distressed: "Oh, one tael of silver is still less than ten taels of the fee for the wealth test! If you save it If so, your second uncle and second aunt won't have to worry so much!"

It turned out to be a very annoyed and regretful look.

Da Ya couldn't help but rolled her eyes in her heart, and said unhappily: "Father, it's only mid-March now, and the government test will be at the end of February next year, what are you in a hurry for?"

Rao Shouqin smiled honestly: "Fugui is my nephew, of course I'm anxious, it's related to his future."

"..." The four brothers and sisters of Da Ya were all speechless.

Erya imitated the eldest sister, and sighed faintly: "Oh, buns!"

"What? Bun?!"

Rao Shouqin was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

He had already guessed the meaning of Baozi from the words of his eldest daughter.

Rao Shouqin did not expect that he would have such an unbearable image in his daughter's heart.But, is he really wrong?Shouldn't he care about his own nephew?That's right, the second sibling is indeed a hobbit, but Fugui's child is still good.

"Big girl, your second aunt is your second aunt, and your rich brother is your rich brother. You can't blame your rich brother for what your second aunt did!" Rao Shouqin tried hard to persuade his daughter Be kind and be tolerant.

Da Ya couldn't help starving, and stared at the sky for a long time without saying a word.

Xiang Dong couldn't stand it any longer: "Father, my sister is right! Brother Datang just went to Fucheng to take the exam for a scholar. Even if he started from Shanqian Village, it would take at most five days to finish the exam. Moreover, he was still in the school. How much would it cost for my master to bring dozens of disciples together? In my opinion, one tael of silver is enough! Many people from poor families don’t even need a tael of silver! It will cost more than five taels of silver."

On this point, Da Ya has already consulted Shopkeeper Su of Jicui Building. Shopkeeper Su's eldest son just passed the exam last year as a scholar.Shopkeeper Su said that in fact, children from poor families usually only spend a couple of dollars at most when they go to Fucheng to take the exam for talent.

Rao Shouqin's eyes widened in disbelief: "Twenty taels is enough, and one tael is also fine? Where did you hear that? Didn't your second aunt say that at least twenty taels is enough?"

Seeing that his father didn't believe him, Xiang Dong also lost his temper: "Da Ya found out about this from the shopkeeper of Jicuilou, his son..." Wow, so he took the news from the shopkeeper Su, and the bamboo tube It's like pouring beans, and it's all said and done.

There is no embellishment, but there is no concealment.

Rao Shouqin's face was extremely ugly, and he muttered to himself: "How can your second aunt talk nonsense? Your second uncle, why didn't you refute? Obviously two taels is enough, why are you lying?"

The honest peasant man suffered a great blow in his heart.

Da Ya couldn't help but rolled her eyes in her heart: Why did you lie?It's not that she wants to take this opportunity to make money, and in Bai's heart, her precious son Jin is very expensive. If she goes to Fucheng, she must pack a spacious carriage and stay in the best inn.In this way, I am afraid that there is no ten taels of silver, so it is impossible to deal with it.As for the remaining twelve taels, the Bai family naturally wanted to keep it to fill up their small treasury.

However, Da Ya naturally wouldn't say these words, lest her overly simple and honest father would not be able to bear it.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of April.

Shopkeeper Su of Jicui Building was frowning. A few days ago, he came to the east to deliver toon buds. He told him that the toon buds are out of season and will not be sent again this year.Without the toon cakes and all kinds of toon dishes, the business of this restaurant must be much worse?The success of the store's business is directly related to whether he can be elected as the chief shopkeeper of Jicui Building in Hulu County at the end of the year.

There are five towns in the jurisdiction of Hulu County. Among them, the town where Shanqian Village is located is called Luhua Town, and shopkeeper Su is the shopkeeper of Jicui Building in Luhua Town.In every town, there are branches in Jicuilou.

"Come here, prepare the car and presents, I'm going to Shanqian Village!"

Chang An, the waiter in the shop, was stunned, and asked tentatively: "Shopkeeper, are you going to find a big girl?"

Shopkeeper Su stared: "Why are you asking so many questions, why don't you go quickly?!"

Chang An stuck out his tongue quickly, and went to the backyard in a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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