Happy pastoral sturdy little lady

Chapter 287 Repentance 1

Chapter 287 Repentance 1
Rao Shouqin: "Okay, I got it, you hurry up and go. You don't have to worry about the family affairs, the most important thing is to handle your affairs well!"

Xiangdong hurried back to the barracks on horseback, for fear that if he was late, the quota for going to the northwest would be taken up.

Rao Shouqin discussed with his wife and daughter-in-law: "I think Erya's family will manage the fields and house at home; the breeding farm and Lonicera Mountain will be fully entrusted to Wujiu and Dajiu's family. Do you have any different opinions?" ?”

Xia Lan said first: "Father, these fields, houses, honeysuckle mountains, and farms are all thanks to the elder sister. Everything is up to father, and I have no opinion!"

Liu Xiangchun also nodded: "I have no objection." It was given to her daughter and family members, how could she have any objection?

"Okay, then Xia Lan will write a power of attorney in my name, so that when we go to the northwest in the future, if something happens to Erya and the others, we will have full authority to deal with it!" Rao Shouqin said .

Xia Lan said: "Father, what kind of power of attorney, I don't know it!"

Rao Shouqin said: "Xiangdonghui, let's wait until Xiangdong comes back to write! You and your mother quickly pack up the things at home, and I will go to Jingyuanzi to explain to Er Ya! By the way, pack up the clothes and the gold and silver. , don’t bring any other things. The world is far away, and it’s a burden to bring too many things, anyway, you can leave them to Erya and Yunwu’s family!”

Hearing that her daughter's family was going to the Northwest, the grandmother's eyes flashed with reluctance: "Oh, I don't know when I will see you again."

Grandpa: "Da Ya's child is not easy. If one person takes care of four children, how can it be done? You have a good talk with Xiang Toon, and tell her that you have gone to the Northwest, so don't cause trouble for Da Ya. Let her be more sensible. , don't make Da Ya sad anymore, that child is too pitiful!"

Grandma: "I know, I will definitely talk about her! This time we part, and I don't know if we will see each other again, so I have to talk about her!"

Before leaving, grandma really had a long talk with Liu Xiangchun.Her words touched Liu Xiangchun a lot. In the days to come, whenever she wanted to do something, she couldn't help but think of her own mother's earnest words, and she calmed down.In the end, she didn't hurt Da Ya any more severely, and didn't completely freeze the relationship between mother and daughter.

Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu were very sad, and they couldn't help but burst into tears.

"I don't know when I'll come back after leaving. It's not convenient for us to go so far away to see you." Uncle Wu looked at his elder brother very sadly, and couldn't help crying.

"Fifth Brother, don't be sad. When Da Ya's life is better and the children are older, I will come back with your sister-in-law. This is our hometown. When we get old, we always have to return to our roots." Rao Shouqin also Very sad, but reluctantly smiled and comforted.

He and his fifth brother have been very close since they were young. The two brothers supported each other and went through many rough days together.Decades have passed in a flash, and the two brothers have already formed an extremely deep relationship. If they don't chat together for a while every day, they feel like something is missing.

Unexpectedly, Yun Wu actually said: "I will also go to the Northwest Military Camp with Xiang Dong, parents can also go together, let Shan Cha take care of the family!"

To be honest, he also knew very well that if his uncle went to the Northwest, his father would be very uncomfortable.Maybe, I will sigh and sigh all day long, unable to be happy.

Rao Shouzhuo waved his hand: "How can this work? You can go to the northwest, but your mother and I have to stay, otherwise, who cares about your grandparents? If your uncle and aunt go to the northwest, there is no way, because the uncle Ya need them."

"Yeah, your grandparents are still there. If your father and I go to the northwest, they won't have anything to rely on! What if something happens?" Rao Shouqin also said.

Erya said: "Father, Uncle Wu, don't worry! Dongfeng and I are also here, and Shancha's family is here, we can all take care of grandparents! You go to the Northwest to stay for a few years, waiting for the children of Big Brother and Brother Yunwu After five or six years old, if you want to come back, come back then!"

Fifth Aunt nodded: "What Erya said makes sense. Yunwu is also married. If he goes to the border, Ziwei will naturally follow him. Maybe there will be a child next year. If we don't go to the northwest, we will have a grandson by then, Ziwei alone." Where can people be so busy?"

Most importantly, she is really tired of her eldest daughter, Vanilla, who will go back to her mother's house every now and then.Crying and fussing, she just eats and takes food, and always finds fault with her eggs, laughing and cursing at Ziwei, making her family miserable.Ziwei is a good daughter-in-law and a good wife, but if this goes on for a long time, the family will definitely fall apart!

Vanilla's appearance annoyed her mother so much, she drove her with a broom a few times, and it was clear that vanilla was not allowed to return to her mother's house.However, Vanilla didn't listen at all, and still came whenever she wanted.Now that I have this opportunity, I might as well go out and hide for a few years, and live a clean life for a few days.

Perhaps, Yunwu chose to go to the Northwest Military Camp to hide from this cheeky sister, right?

Don't say it, it's really the reason!

After hearing what Erya said, Yunwu immediately said: "I'll go to Shancha to see if she is willing to come and live here!" Shancha's family of four still lives with the elderly and sister-in-law, there are many conflicts, and the house is tight.Presumably, she must be very willing to have such a good opportunity to live separately from those people, right?
Not to mention anything else, even if it is to complete Shan Cha, he must go to the northwest.Moreover, the wife and parents must be taken away!
Shan Cha married someone from a neighboring village, and Yun Wu rode there on horseback and arrived in a short while.He called his sister and brother-in-law to the entrance of the village, and when he explained the purpose of his visit, Shan Cha was surprised and delighted.

Her eldest brother and parents were going to the northwest, so she was naturally very reluctant.However, for her family of four to have the opportunity to get rid of those annoying ghosts of her husband's family, it is simply great news for her, and she can't wait for it!

The husband's father-in-law is very stubborn. No matter who it is, as long as they dare to mention the word "separation", there will be absolutely no good results.If it is a daughter-in-law, it is designated to be scolded bloody; if it is a son, it will directly go to the "family law" and be severely beaten.

Originally, she thought that for most of her life, she would live in dire straits.The father-in-law is in excellent health, and he can live for at least 30 years. If the family is separated, it will have to wait for the father-in-law for a hundred years.

At this moment, Shan Cha was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes.

"Brother, is what you said true? Are you really asking our family of four to move to Shanqian Village to help you look after the house and fields? Well, would sister-in-law be willing?" My sister-in-law's natal family is not far from Shanqian Village. Didn't she want to give the land to her natal family?
While happy, the kind-hearted Shan Cha expressed a little worry, and didn't want to create any barriers between the elder brother and sister-in-law.

Yun Wu: "Don't worry, your sister-in-law also agrees!"

Ziwei is a good wife and daughter-in-law. If it weren't for Vanilla who often went back to her mother's house to make troubles, the family's life would be so peaceful.

Shan Cha was a little worried: "If the eldest sister comes to the house to make trouble, what should I do?"

Yunwu: "I will leave you two powerful guards. If Vanilla makes trouble again, you can let the guards fight out. I will tell Lizheng, the village chief and the old patriarch to ask them not to interfere, no matter what Vanilla says. Whatever, don't pay attention to her, let alone make decisions for her!"

Shan Cha: "Can this work?" Eldest sister has a thick skin, otherwise, people in her natal family would not have to frown and sigh when they heard that she was coming.

Yun Wu: "Why not? Think about how she hurt Da Ya in the past? Think about how she hurt her parents time and time again over the years? She is not someone who knows her mistakes and can correct them. One day, she will be able to sell her parents! Listen to the elder brother, be cruel to her, and don't be soft-hearted!"

These years, the reason why he hasn't dealt with vanilla is not because he doesn't want to make his parents sad.When both parents have gone to the northwest, and Xiangcao comes to make trouble again, let the nurse beat her out with a stick.Without any scruples, you can hit her so many times with a ruthless hand, until she is afraid!
Otherwise, in the future, if parents want to return to their roots, they will not dare to go back to Shanqian Village when they think of this woman, Xiangcao.Is this worth it?Absolutely not to be condoned!

Luhua Town, a dilapidated small courtyard with a second entrance.

With her hands on her hips, Vanilla glared at a man in her forties: "You worthless man, you only know how to gamble and drink all day long, and you will defeat a good family!"

This man is her second husband.

The former husband should be dead now, right?During the war, the former father-in-law turned to King Huai, and when the mighty general led his army to regain the lost land, those who had followed King Huai were all in trouble.Vanilla managed to escape the catastrophe and married a well-to-do businessman, but the man failed in business and became a gambler and alcoholic, pawning all the valuable things in the family.

The man held the wine bowl, took a sip, and said disapprovingly: "I said, what's the use of you talking about it? I told you a long time ago, let you go to your governor's brother and ask him for tens of thousands of taels of silver." Let me turn around. Who told you to be so incompetent, went to Fucheng, and came back empty-handed, without borrowing a single coin! Wouldn't you be even more useless if you said I was worthless?"

Saying this again, how many times has this old rice been fried!Not a hundred times, at least eighty times!
Vanilla couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Yunshan is an upright official, and he doesn't have much money at all.Moreover, Yun Shan is also very indifferent to her eldest sister, and doesn't even call her elder sister when she sees her!

Oh, if only I had married that scholar back then!I heard that he is now the magistrate!Back then, if she hadn't grabbed Gu Yu's fiancé, she would be the magistrate's wife now!

Oh, I regret it!If I knew this earlier, why would I want to grab my sister's fiancé?In this way, not only lost a good sister, but also lost the favor of all brothers and sisters.In these years, no matter whether it is the brothers and sisters who are the direct relatives, or the elder sisters, they have never taken the initiative to walk around with her.

Think about it, it really is not worth the candle!

Now that it has fallen to this point, is it retribution?

Looking back on the past, her heart is full of remorse.Before conspiring with Ren Jianli to capture Gu Yu's fiancé, his parents, siblings, and Da Ya's family, Gu Yu's family, were all so caring and close to him.Speaking of it, she also lived a happy and happy life for many years, the kind of happy and happy life that was loved and loved by her relatives.

However, ever since she hurt Gu Yu, her own brother and Xiang Dong Xiang Xi in order to win Gu Yu's fiancée, her impression and status in the hearts of her relatives began to plummet.From that time on, she was actually besieged on all sides.

Later, Jicui Building was defeated by Taste Building and forced to close down.Her ex-husband lost his job, and her life was even more difficult.Later, when there was a war, the former father-in-law defected to King Huai, and the husband was ashamed and arrogant, and took in many concubines one after another, treating her like a rough envoy.She couldn't bear the humiliation, so she found an opportunity, rolled up some gold and silver, and fled with a couple of children.

(End of this chapter)

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